Part 11: The First Battle

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"God! What is that guy's deal?" Jordan shouted as we ran through the down the street, passing crowds of people. No one seemed to notice the bleeding girl next to us. We were surrounded by people and no one offered to help us. "Attacking innocent women in a dark alley? What the hell? I didn't know Mr. Matthews was a psycho!" she said.

    I motioned to her to keep her voice down, but nobody acknowledged her, even when she was shouting. We slowed down a bit and hid in another alley, next to a dumpster. We were finally alone. My mother would be furious if she found out how many alleys I had been in that day. I wondered if we should take the girl to the hospital, but then we'd have to explain how she got her injuries and I wasn't exactly ready to admit that she was attacked by my teacher. I would also have to explain how I came across her in the first place, and I wasn't ready to explain that I heard her voice call to me from a cafe. I wondered if the girl had a telepathic ability. But then, that would mean that we had met before.

    People with the telepathic power could only call out to people that they had met at least once in their lives, and as far as I knew, I had never met this girl. One more thing bothered me. As we ran through the crowded streets before, no one acknowledged us, like we were invisible. I knew that had to be impossible because one person could not possess more than one ability, and no one could share their ability with other people. Even if the woman in white had the invisibility power like my sister, there was no way for me to explain why people were ignoring Jordan and me as well. There was something deeply wrong about this girl.

    "So who's this? This is the woman he attacked?" Jordan asked pointing to the girl dressed in white who was still holding on to my hand for dear life.

    "Yeah. She's still in shock." I said quietly to Jordan. The girl in white nodded.

    "Sorry." The girl said.

    "It's totally fine." said Jordan.

    "Hey, where are we? I've never been down this street before. Maybe we should ask for directions? We couldn't have run very far. We should go back to the main shopping area." said Jordan.

    "Yeah. This is still a part of New Croix but it looks completely different from the street we usually shop on. This place even feels different, doesn't it?" I asked.

    I felt something tug at my shirt and I turned around to see a wretched creature. It was a monstrous humanoid with teeth of iron. We looked around and saw seven of them flashing their iron fangs at us. They were surrounded by darkness and their eyes were bloody red. Jordan and I screamed. They were all around us and appeared to materialize out of nowhere. All of them couldn't have been hiding behind the dumpster and there was no way they could have come from the main street. Somebody would have noticed them.

    "What the hell are those things?!" shrieked Jordan.

    "I don't know!" I said.

    "They can't be human! No human has eyes or teeth like that!" The monsters drew in closer and cornered us. There was no escaping, but we heard footsteps and a familiar shape came into view. From shadows of the alley, from the opposite side that Jordan and I had brought the girl in white in, appeared a familiar face.

    "Get away from us!" I shouted at the creatures. As the monsters lunged, a forcefield surrounded us. We looked up to see Mackenzie May standing before us. The monsters snarled.

    "Nora! Jordan! I didn't think I'd find you guys here! These things are pretty scary, huh? But don't worry, I got you now!"

    "Mackenzie! We thought you went to work!" Jordan said. We were safe in her field of power. The monsters couldn't touch us.

    "What are they saying?" I asked Jordan.

    "I don't know. I don't know what those things are." she said. The monsters continued to snarl in their own language.

    "They're demons, but don't worry. They won't last a moment more." Mackenzie reassured us. Jordan and I felt a rumble as Mackenzie's field of energy began to expand.

    "Take this, demons!" Mackenzie shouted and her energy field became an explosion that managed to destroy the demons without effecting the buildings around us. Jordan and I were safe from within Mackenzie's shield as we heard a loud boom. The demons turned to ash and disappeared into the air, still growling. To my surprise, no civilian passing by the alley seemed to notice the battle or the explosion that took place. They continued to walk by us, as if they couldn't see or hear us.

    "Wow." Jordan said.

    "I didn't know you could do that." I said.

    From the entrance to the alley, unknowing to Jordan or me, Mr. Matthews watched the whole thing. He had finally caught up to us, but when he saw that Mackenzie had found us first, he gave up the chase. He scoffed and walked away. Mackenzie saw him go, but said nothing to us about it.

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