Part 90: Trust

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"I don't know, Nora. This guy's kinda sketchy. You're saying he randomly passed you a note out of the blue and said he was a demon hunter?" Mackenzie asked Nora when Nora introduced me to her. Mackenzie didn't trust me quite yet. "And you're saying you can travel through time? How exactly are we going to use that power to fight demons?" she asked me.

"Well, we were thinking that he could send demons into another time where they won't be able to hurt anyone." Nora answered for me. Mackenzie's eyes lit with understanding. That night, we tested Nora's theory.

"Ian! Do it now!" Mackenzie called to me. We were fighting an amamehagi in an alley. It was a punishment demon that fed on guilty children.

"Alright!" I yelled. I lifted my hands and the shadowy figure disappeared. "I did it!" I cried gleefully. Nora gave me a big hug.

"That was so cool, Ian!" Nora praised me.

"Great job!" Mackenzie said. Now, I could tell that I won her trust.

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