Part 94: Mackenzie's Despair

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That fateful day came when Casper, Mackenzie, Nora and I found ourselves battling a twisted demonized version of Jordan.

"Jordan! What the hell happened to you?" Casper called as the battle raged on.

"Don't you recognize us? We're your friends!" I yelled.

"Please stop! I know it's still you in there!" Nora cried. Jordan aimed a punch at Nora, but I pushed her away just in time.

"Nora! It's no use." I said. She looked at me with understanding. "She's gone now." Nora nodded sadly. I stood between Nora and Jordan who was readying another attack. "Jordan, I'm sorry." I said. "I know you didn't trust me at first, but I'm still glad we became friends. That's why I have to do this!" I raised my hand and sent Jordan to another time. The dreamworld faded away and left the four of us remaining demon hunters standing beneath the bus stop.

"Jordan!" I heard Nora scream. She fell to the ground and sobbed. "Why? How could this happen?" she mumbled between tears. Suddenly a forcefield surrounded me.

"What? Mackenzie! Why?" I asked as I looked into her eyes. Mackenzie had me trapped. Casper tried to interfere, but Mackenzie trapped him as well then used her implosion ability on him. Casper became nothing but a pile of ash. I looked back at Mackenzie with fear. She had a crazy look in her eyes.

"Mackenzie! You killed Casper!" I heard Nora say in shock.

"You!" Mackenzie said to me. "You killed Jordan! You said you were going to save her, but you ended up killing her instead! You liar! I should have never trusted you!" Tears poured from her vicious eyes. Mackenzie had lost all sanity. "Now I'll kill you!" she said as drool poured from her mouth. "Then I'll kill Nora! Then I'll kill myself! That way, we'll all be reunited in the afterlife!" she said shaking. As she lifted her trembling palm and prepared her attack I banged my fists against the shield but I couldn't escape. All hope was lost. I watched Mackenzie grab her own neck as she began to suffocate. Her body levitated above the ground. I saw that Nora had a hold on her with her own abilities. Nora flicked her wrist to the side and Mackenzie's body flew against a wall breaking her spine quickly and killing her. Mackenzie's body hit the ground with a soft thud.

"I'm sorry Mackenzie!" Nora wailed and shamefully covered her face with her palms. After the forcefield faded, I ran to Nora and threw my arms around her.

"Shhh. It's ok. I'm here." I said as I tried to comfort her. After a while she calmed down. She lifted her head to look at me. "We have to kill Alice." I said.

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