Part 15: The Price of Power

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At lunch, Jordan, Alice and I sat with Mackenzie instead of the rest of our usual crowd. We wanted to get some things straight with her. Elizabeth, Casper and Ken were busy during lunch today due to some science project that they were in together, so we thankfully didn't need to make up an excuse for them. The timing was perfect.

    "Hey guys. Oh, I see that Alice did find you after all, Nora. She ran off right when she saw your car heading home." Mackenzie said. So Mackenzie knew that I was being stalked and even she didn't bother to text me? I had the terrifying thought of Alice hiding in the backseat of my car as I drove, unaware of her presence. The whole thing freaked me out.

    "Wow. I'm glad I didn't wake up next to you, Alice. I would have beat the shit out of you if you tried to pull something like that on me." said Jordan.

    "I know, right?" I said to Jordan. I was still mad about this morning. I hoped this wasn't going to be my new routine. At least, this morning, Alice sat in the passengers seat. My siblings still sat in the back, but it was the first time I didn't feel like a chauffeur.

    "Lunch sucks today." said Mackenzie. I rolled my eyes at her attempt to start a normal conversation after all that had happened.

    "I think it's ok." said Jordan.

    " like all food." I said. Finally, Mackenzie decided to cut the crap.

    "Alright. You guys have been chosen by Alice to become more powerful. That means that the demons aren't only my problem anymore." she said. "I'm going to explain to you guys what it means to form a contract with Alice." She reached into her backpack and pulled out a golden sealed envelope. "This is my contract with Alice. I signed it a while ago."

    "Wow. It's so pretty." I said. She passed it around to us and the scent of lavender radiated from it.

    "Everyone's contract is different, as are the terms of it. Once you make a contract, you are forbidden to reveal your own terms to anyone else. So, sorry guys, but I can't let you open that envelope nor can I discuss with you its contents." Mackenzie explained as we passed the envelope back to her and she put it in her bag.

    "So it's a literal contract that we sign in order to enhance our powers?" Jordan asked.

    "Exactly." Mackenzie said. "Alice makes individual contracts for everyone that we sign with our own hands."

    "Yup." said Alice. "One thing that remains true for all contracts is that the terms require those that enhance their own abilities to fight demons." she explained. "In exchange for that bravery, your powers will grow." she said.

    "So, you mean we have to fight those things?" Jordan asked shocked.

    "I'm not sure if I'm down with that either." I said apologetically.

    "Those are the terms." said Alice.

    "And that part of the terms are nonnegotiable?" asked Jordan. Alice nodded.

    "Demons are monstrous creatures that can only be stopped by an individual with enhanced abilities." Alice said.

    "Demons attack innocent people with no reason at all. No one knows the origin of these beings, but we do know how to stop them, and that's where Alice's contracts come in." Mackenzie explained. "Demons can create alternate realities like the one you two walked into back at that alley. It was an alley that looked exactly like it belonged there, but it didn't. If I hadn't found you guys in time, the demons would have surely killed you." she said. Memories of the seven iron toothed demons flashed in my mind. Jordan and I shuddered.

    "So you always fight demons?" I asked Mackenzie.

    "Yes, of course I do. I fight them with my life. Please don't take a contract with Alice lightly. It is a very serious thing." she said.

    "Enhanced powers would be really cool though." said Jordan.

    "Is there anyone else that you know who has made a contract with Alice?" I asked Mackenzie.

    "Mr. Matthews has one." Mackenzie said. Jordan and I jumped. "Yeah, he definitely made a contract with Alice at some point, but I don't know when. I only really talk to him in class. All I know is, his powers are far greater than what he shows at his work."

    "But wait! If you form a contract with Alice doesn't that make you a hero that fights demons? Why did Mr. Matthews attack Nora?" Jordan asked.

    "He was actually after me." explained Alice. "It seemed like he was trying to prevent me from forming a new contract with someone." she said. Jordan stared at her confused.

    "Just because two people both have contracts with Alice doesn't necessarily mean they become friends." Mackenzie explained. "In the end, we all have our own goals, we are all fighting for different things, and the terms of our contracts and the reasons for forming contracts in the first place are all different." she said.

    "So, Mr. Matthews thought that Nora would form a contract with Alice and tried to stop her." Jordan speculated.

    "Possibly." said Mackenzie. "Did I make you guys not want to form contracts after all?" Mackenzie asked Jordan and me after a long silence. "How about this? You guys come with me on my next demon hunt and see if it's something you really want to take on?" Mackenzie suggested.

    "WHAT?" exclaimed Jordan.

    "I think it would be very fair for you two to see what it's really like before you make your final decision." Mackenzie said.

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