Part 10: Alice

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I followed the voice all the way down the street to an area that I had never been to before. It was very dark alley. My mother had always taught me to avoid those, but something was making me ignore my mother's advice. It was like the voice in my head had a hold on me, like it had taken control.

    "Help me!" it cried. It got louder and louder as I kept moving.

    "Where are you?" I asked. Then I saw her, a girl dressed in white lay bleeding on the concrete ground. She had long white hair and ruby red eyes. She was strange looking, but beautiful. She was panting very hard.

    "Was it you that I heard crying for help?" I asked. "You're hurt really badly. What happened to you? Should I call someone?" I asked. I took out my phone but the girl stopped me.

    "Nora." the girl in white said. I had never seen this girl before but something about her was so familiar, and she somehow knew my name!

    "Get away from her!" I heard Mr. Matthews cry. I turned around and jumped.

    "Mr. Matthews! What the hell are you doing here?"

    "Get away from that thing!" Mr. Matthews commanded. The girl in white screamed in terror. "Don't be fooled by her. She's much more harmful than she looks." he said.

    "Mr. Matthews, what's going on? Did you do this to her? How could you do something like this to a woman?"

    "Nora Evans. Mind your own business.This is none of your concern." he said firmly. "Now let her go and step aside. I wouldn't hurt an innocent woman, but if you get in my way..." he said inching closer to me.

    He was cut off by the sounds of footsteps. Two policemen appeared. They had their guns ready and aiming towards him.

    "Nora!" I heard Jordan say. She grabbed my hand, and I held on to the girl in white's hand as we escaped. I was surprised that the girl in white could run even though she looked badly injured. Her white dress was now soaked red with blood.

    "What is this? What the hell is going on?" Mr. Matthews yelled in anger as the policemen held their weapons up, but didn't make moves to shoot.

    "I took control of two policemen when I saw you went missing, but don't worry. They won't shoot him. I just did it to scare him, or whatever. My ability will wear off soon and they won't remember that I was ever in control." Jordan explained as we ran. "I didn't expect to find you with Mr. Matthews though, just some random creep."

    As soon as the police officers regained their free will, Mr. Matthews had already escaped. He had raced down the street in the same direction that he had seen the three girls go. Dammit! he thought. I won't let you get away with this again! I won't let you take any more souls!

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