Part 20: Prepare for Battle

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"Alright. Are you prepared for tonight's show?" Mackenzie asked. We were out for dinner at a local diner called Barney's Burgers. Mackenzie was eating a lot. We wondered if she always did that before a demon hunt. "I'm really excited to show off in front of you guys." she said. "Usually I'm out there alone if Alice's not with me." she explained.

"I'm totally ready!" Jordan exclaimed. "You'll do great, Mackenzie!" she said. "I can't wait to see all your badass moves!"

"Great. I'm glad you're excited." Mackenzie laughed. "What about you, Nora? Are you ready?" she asked me.

"Yeah." I said. "Of course. I'm kind of nervous, I'll admit." I said, which was true. I had only had one encounter with demons so far, and they were really scary.

"You'll be fine! Mackenzie's gonna be the one fighting anyways!" said Jordan.

"She's right." assured Mackenzie.

"Alright. Yeah, sure." I said.

"Come on, let's go. It'll be dark soon." said Mackenzie. We payed the tab and left the restaurant.

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