Part 69: Rage

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Jordan hopped on a bus in an effort to leave the city as soon as possible. Two women in their late twenties sat on the other side of the bus. They both had long blond hair and fair skin. To Jordan, they vaguely resembled Elizabeth. One of them even had her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

"Oh my god! My boyfriend is so annoying!" the ponytailed one said to the other. "He never even takes me out on dates anymore! He's always saying that he's busy with work, but I think he's just lazy."

"My boyfriend says he wants to move in together soon, but he doesn't seem like he wants to get married. I mean, he's never mentioned that that's what he wants to do in the end!" the other one said.

"Ewww. You should drop him. You totally deserve better! You got to find a man who doesn't have commitment issues. Trust me. It won't be hard. I mean, you're gorgeous!"

"Haha! Stop it! I'm sure he'll come around soon. I mean, it would be pointless to find someone else now. I'm almost twenty-seven years old! I don't want to be unmarried at thirty! I'm sure he'll change his mind once we're living together. And besides, I can always 'accidentally' get pregnant. That way, he'll have to commit!" Jordan cringed. Her hands tightened into fists as she ground her teeth together. She stood up and walked over to the two blond strangers.

"Hey, you." she acknowledged the strangers. The two blonds looked at her confused.

"Who are you?" asked the ponytail girl.

"How can you talk about your boyfriends like they are so disposable?" Jordan asked. The strangers continued to look at her confused.

"That's none of your business, little girl. What are you, some kind of teenager?" asked the other blond. "Aren't you not supposed to be out this late at night? I bet your parents must be worried." The two blonds snickered.

"Your boyfriends must love you. They work so hard that they barely have time for you, but in the end it's all so that they can give you happy lives. They can't take you out on dates without any money so the very least you can do is give them time!" Jordan said to the blond ponytail girl. Then she turned to the other one. "And you. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no such thing as a man with commitment issues. If he is not committing to the relationship in the way that you want him to, then there must be a reason. If a man is truly in love, I doubt that he will ever have any troubles picking out a ring. There must be something stopping him, and the worst thing you could ever do to him is trap him in a situation that he can't get out of. A baby will not make him stay. You'll only be bringing a child into this world with an absent father. I would know what that feels like." Jordan said. Then she acknowledged them both. "Don't you two realize how lucky you are? To have someone that cares about you that much? Stop acting like it's so easy to get what you've got! Some people live their whole lives alone, yet you two have someone so special that you get to call them your boyfriend! Don't talk about them like their some replaceable pets! If you're unhappy with your relationship, then you should end it without stringing them along and pretending like you still give a shit! Ungrateful people like you don't deserve to have what you have! You should never feel the need to complain about being loved! Especially by men!" Jordan said. She sensed that the bus driver was eavesdropping, but he wasn't saying anything.

"Do you know her?" the ponytail girl asked the other.

"No. Who the hell is she?" asked the other one.

"I would kill to have what you have. I honestly would." Jordan said. "To fall in love with someone is special. To have someone fall in love with you is even more special. But, to have two people fall in love at the same time and to form a relationship is what everyone in this world strives for. It seems so impossible to me now, so rare and incredible. I had that once and I lost it. So, it pisses me off when people don't realize how wonderful they have it. People of this world have forgotten the importance and magic of love. They value getting attention more they value their relationships with people! And, I find that absolutely disgusting!" Jordan boomed.

The bus stopped and Jordan exited. Before leaving, she looked to the bus driver and lifted her hand at him. He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them again. As Jordan left the bus, she watched the doors close. Jordan sat on the bus stop bench. She was right outside the city now. It glistened in the distance. She smiled as the bus started moving away. Jordan snickered at the thought of the bus changing course. She had put a spell on the driver. She hoped that the two girls enjoyed the ride, right off the nearest cliff. Jordan's only regret was not being able to see it all go down. She didn't want to have to go the same course as well. She wasn't a fan of heights, or falling from them.

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