Part 59: Friendship

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"Elizabeth, hey! You wanted to talk to me?" Jordan said as she met up with our friend at the Maple Cafe. Jordan sat down at the table and noticed that Elizabeth hadn't ordered anything yet. She also seemed different, and maybe a little sad.

"Yes. This sort of thing is going to be hard for me, but I can't keep this from you any longer, Jordan." she said. Her voice cracked.

"What? A secret? What's wrong?" Jordan asked. She wondered if Elizabeth had too made a contract with Alice and had been cast into the frightening world of demon hunting.

"I slept with Ken." Elizabeth said. Jordan's heart skipped. She felt herself begin to sweat and her hands started shaking, out of shock and fury.

"What? How could you do this to me? You're my friend, Elizabeth! How could you sleep with my boyfriend? When did this even happen? How did this even happen?" Jordan asked as jealous tears started to build in her eyes. She felt so betrayed. Jordan and Ken hadn't been getting along lately and rarely ever saw each other, except in school, but Jordan had never imagined that Ken would move on to another woman without breaking up with Jordan first, and especially not with one of Jordan's closest friends. Jordan also couldn't believe that Elizabeth would have let this happen.

"You two have been dating since the tenth grade." Elizabeth said.

"Is that supposed to justify what you did? The fact that we've been together for a while? Do you think he's tired of me? That's why he moved on to slut like you?" Jordan said. Her voice started to rise and strangers started to look. Elizabeth nervously picked at her nails.

"Were you even happy with him? Be honest." Elizabeth asked.

"That's none of your business. It doesn't even matter anyways. He was my boyfriend, and you of all people, cheated on me with him!"

"So, you can't even admit your own true feelings? No wonder he started looking elsewhere."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You were a very special friend of mine. I'm sorry for going behind your back. But, it's not my fault that you can't satisfy your own boyfriend by yourself!" Elizabeth said. Jordan flinched. She fought back angry tears in order to keep face. If anything, she would leave with her dignity, even if that was the only thing she had left. "He said he's in love with me. Tonight, he's going to send you a breakup text. Then, by tomorrow, he and I will start dating officially. I regret losing a friend over him, but I honestly think he's worth it. I think I love him too. I'm sorry, Jordan. Goodbye." Elizabeth said. She rose from her seat and left Jordan frozen in her own. She stayed there, silently, until the sun went down and the cafe closed. The owner had to ask her to finally leave.

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