Part 25: Love

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"You're too good to me." Ken said as Jordan spoon fed him chicken noodle soup. "I can do it myself, you know." Ken had been sick for days and so Jordan took care of him after school. Jordan sat by Ken's bedside and fed him. Jordan was a good girlfriend, she cared deeply for Ken.

"I know, but I want to do it." Jordan said as she gave Ken another spoonful. She felt Ken's forehead with her palm.

"I need to get better soon. I've missed so many classes. I have no idea how I'm gonna catch up." Ken worried. "My mother has been on my ass about staying on top of the assignments I missed."

"You'll be fine! All you need is some rest. The teachers will understand. Besides, I'll help you with stuff you missed." Jordan assured him.

"Thank you." Ken said and smiled. Jordan leaned in to kiss him. "You'll get sick."

"I don't care." Jordan said before locking her lips with Ken's.

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