Part 18: Stalker

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Jordan, Alice and I sat outside for lunch. We couldn't bother being seen by Mr. Matthews again in the lunchroom. Luckily, it was very sunny and bright. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The three of us sat in the grass right outside the school building and ate sandwiches that we had quickly grabbed from the lunchroom before heading outside.

    "Nora?" Jordan asked. "Do you think you're gonna end up making a contract? I mean so you can have powers and all?"

    "I don't know yet. I'll have to think about it." I said to both Jordan and Alice. "What about you?" I asked Jordan.

    "I'm not sure either. Having enhanced powers would be pretty sweet, but I don't know if it's actually worth risking my life for." Jordan said.

    "That's interesting. I've met many people who would instantly disagree with that statement." Alice interjected.

    "Well, I like my life. And no offense, Nora, but I was born with powers. Would it really be so bad to just live a long normal life with what I already have?" she asked.

    "I guess I don't really have a choice then." I said sarcastically. Jordan gave me an apologetic look.

    "You know that's not what I meant." she said. "But I wonder...Alice..." Jordan continued. "Why did you choose us?" she asked. Jordan's question struck a chord with me. I hadn't thought of asking Alice the most important question that Jordan had just asked. Why us? "I mean there are probably lots of people in this world who would sign a contract instantly for more power, and they wouldn't have to even think about it." Jordan said to Alice. "but Nora and I...even though Nora has more to gain from a contract like this... we both hesitated." she explained.

    "Jordan has a point." I said to Alice. But right when Alice opened her mouth to defend herself, a shadow blocked out the sun. We looked up to see Mr. Matthews standing over us. My heart sank. He followed us all the way out here. We couldn't escape him.

    "Nora..." he said. "May I please speak with you alone?" he asked.

    "What are you doing out here..." my voice shook as I looked back up at him. "Mr. Matthews?" He was so terrifying. No matter where we went, he always found us. It was like he was stalking us.

    "What the hell do you want with her? Are you here to finish what you started?" Jordan said standing up. I stood up too and put my hand on her shoulder. I didn't want my friend to get in a fight with a teacher, especially in broad daylight.

    "I never had any intentions of hurting your friend, I promise. At least, for now." he said to Jordan. "Do you remember what I told you when you helped me carry those papers to the main office? Do you remember my warning?" he asked me.

    "Yes, of course." I said. I also remembered that he never had any papers in the first place.

    "Never forget that. Don't do anything stupid." he said. He turned to leave. "I only hope that you will actually listen to me."

    "Hang on!" I said. He stopped and turned his head. "Mr. Matthews...Mr. Matthews... um... Why did you make a contract with Alice?" I asked. He glared at Alice, but he ignored my question and turned away. He walked back into the school and closed the door behind him.

    "What the hell is his problem?" Jordan asked.

    "I have no idea." I said.

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