Part 85: No Regrets

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The four of us went to a cafe called the Maple Cafe. I hadn't been there in a while, but they had a great menu full of smoothies. The four of us ordered our smoothies then found a table in the back where no one would be able to hear our conversations. I sipped my orange smoothie slowly as I tried to take what had just happened in.

"How is it, Ian?" Mackenzie asked.

"It's really good." I said. She smiled.

"Mmmm. I love smoothies!" Nora said after she took her first sip of a strawberry banana one.

"How long have you guys been fighting those scary things?" I asked Nora. She smiled.

"Mackenzie is more experienced than I am. I'm kind of a rookie. I just made a contract with Alice about a month ago." she explained. Alice took a sip of her grape smoothie.

"Really? But, your power is so cool! I've never seen anyone able to do something like that! With an ability like that you look like a total veteran!" I said. She laughed.

"Oh, well... actually that's only because of my contract with Alice. I wasn't born with that ability." she explained.

"Then, what power were you born with?" I asked. She looked at me with a sad expression.

"I actually wasn't born with any powers at all. I know it's weird, but for some reason I never developed an ability of my own. So, when Alice came along and said she could help me, I didn't take long to jump at the chance. Since I didn't have any powers to begin with, Alice said that I could have any ability I wanted, so I decided to make up a new one! That's why I can now move things with my mind. I wished for that power, I wasn't born with it." Nora admitted. My heart pounded.

"Are you serious? Me too! I don't have any powers!" I exclaimed. Her eyes widened.

"I didn't think there were others like me." she said. Then understanding crossed her face. "Oh, I see. That's why you freaked out in gym class. Ian, I'm so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn't have put you in that position." she said.

"It's totally fine. I'm just glad that I found you." I said. I panicked. "I-I mean, you know! Someone" I quickly stammered. She laughed.

"Ian, you should totally join us!" she said. "I think you'd make a great demon hunter and Alice can give you any ability you want, even if it's one you just made up!" she said.

"But, isn't hunting demons really scary?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it's worth it. Besides, we have each other! I'm always scared when I enter a battle, but I have Mackenzie and sometimes Alice by my side. I think I would be even braver if I had you too." she said. I blushed. "Killing demons saves lots of people. Even if I died, I would have no regrets, because I know that it's for a cause that's bigger than I am."

"I'm helping Nora train to fight demons with me. I wouldn't mind taking on another student." Mackenzie explained. I thought I saw Alice shift uncomfortably out of the corner of my eye.

"Yeah, me too. I'd love a classmate." Nora said. I couldn't make a decision that time of whether or not I could trade my life for fighting demons, even if it meant obtaining powers. I am glad I waited.

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