Part 103: The Queen of Hell

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"I'll make you a deal." Alice said to me. "If you become my successor and a noblewoman of hell, along with powers I will grant you an extra wish. I still think you are filled with potential. It could be anything you want, no matter how demanding."

"No! Please!" Ian cried on the ground. "Nora!"

"Ian, stop trying to save everyone else and just let me save you this time. I know now what I am supposed to do." I said.

"I'm begging you! Don't let her trick you! This world isn't worth it!" he shouted.

"Then what have demon hunters been fighting for this whole time? If this world isn't worth the trouble?" I asked him. I knelt beside him. "The only reason I'm still alive is because of you. Thank you, Ian. Now, your fight is over. It's my turn." I took his hand and kissed it before standing up. "Trust me."

"Nora Evans," Alice said. "Tell me what you desire." I turned to face her. "What is something that you'll give up your freedom for?"

"I wish for all demons to be locked in hell forever with no escape!" I said. Alice's eyes widened. "This wish will be beneficial for you too, for demons escaping into the human world was the only reason you came here in the first place!"

"But, if I grant you that wish, you as a noblewoman of hell would be considered an honorary demon! You'll be trapped there as well! You and all the demon hunters!" she said in shock. I knew I couldn't exclude myself from the wish. Alice would never agree to allowing me to walk freely into the human world if she couldn't herself. This was the only way. I was still her successor. I figured I could wait for as long as I could until I was the next demon queen. Then, I could bend the rules as much as I liked. Until then, I had to play by hers. "You really want to be the next Devil, don't you?" Alice chuckled.

"It doesn't matter to me whether or not I become a Queen. I just don't want any more good people to suffer. Especially, if they are willing to fight for justice! When I am the ruler of hell I will make the rules! But for now, you have to keep your promise! Now grant me my wish, Alice!" I shouted.

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