Part 75: No Option

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Casper lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. His apartment was quiet now that his parents had passed. He remembered what it was like, cleaning their bedroom and destroying all the evidence from their corpses. He didn't want to be convicted of a murder he did not commit. He shivered. He heard a knock on his door, and so he rolled out of bed and answered it. It was Alice.

"Are you alone?" she asked without greeting him. He scoffed and prepared to slam the door in her face, but then he stopped. He let her in and closed the door behind her, locking it.

"Is there a way to save Jordan at this point?" Casper asked her as she made herself comfortable on his sofa. He kept his distance, as if she had some kind of highly contagious disease.

"If by save her you mean change her back into a human than no." she said simply.

"Well, what other way is there to save her then?" Casper asked pissed.

"Killing her." Alice said.

"What? Absolutely not! That's bullshit! There's got to be another way!" Casper said.

"There isn't. The Jordan Ark you once knew is gone. All that is left is a demon version of her. That version will become a danger to humanity. It's that simple. Killing her is the best way."

"Why should I trust you anyways? Your full of crap!" Casper said. Alice smiled.

"What other option do you have?" she asked.

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