Part 56: Talk

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Jordan's room was dark. Thankfully Alice was gone. Jordan had no idea where she went, but wasn't ready to question anything. She held her soul as she lay in her bed. She examined the glowing scale as it shimmered.

"How can I ever look Ken in the eyes again, knowing that its only a matter of time before I'm eaten?" She wondered to herself. Suddenly, her phone buzzed. She rolled over to check it.

"Come down. We need to talk." It was a text from Casper. Jordan hopped out of bed and rushed to her window. Down beside her street stood Casper looking back up at her with his phone in his hands. Jordan wondered what he could want so late at night.

"What are you doing here?" Jordan texted him back.

"Please come down. I need you." he responded. "I only want to talk, I swear. I'm done trying to fight you." he added. Jordan sighed, got dressed and made her way downstairs, careful not to wake her mother.

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