Part 45: Agenda

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Jordan took a deep breath as she stared at herself in her bathroom mirror. She heard a knock on the door.

"Are you almost ready?" it was Alice's voice.

"Yeah. Just a sec." Jordan called back. She stole one last glance at her reflection before she left the bathroom. Alice was sitting on Jordan's bed, dangling her feet. "I'm ready." Jordan said to her.

"Are you sure? Aren't you even scared?" Alice asked teasingly.

"A little bit." Jordan admitted. "But that's only because if I fail I die."

Jordan and Alice left the apartment and walked outside to see a me waiting for them.

"Oh. Hey, Nora!" Jordan greeted me. I couldn't hide my bothered expression.

"Jordan, are you off to..."

"Hunt some demons! Yeah!" She said. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Well...the thing is..." I began. "I know I won't be much help because I don't have any powers, but I was wondering if I could still come with you. If I'm really getting in the way, I'll leave." I said. Jordan was silent. "Sorry. It was a stupid suggestion. I mean I'll just be a burden..."

"Oh, stop it!" Jordan said taking my hands in hers. "Of course I want you with me."

"Oh." I said surprised.

"The truth is I don't know if I could do this without you. I'm terrified. It's embarrassing. I already feel like a failed demon hunter." she said. I shook my head. "Come on. Let's go find some demons! I feel much better now that you're here." she said to me.

I followed closely behind Jordan as she led the way through the sleeping city. There were very few people or cars around and most of the building lights were off. The streetlights illuminated our path. Alice trotted in front of me, and caught up to Jordan.

"You do understand that by bringing your friend, you are putting her life in danger as well." Alice said.

"I know." Jordan admitted. "I just feel more confident with Nora around. I think I might even fight better."

"If that is your plan, I guess it could work." said Alice. She turned to face me as we continued to walk. "You understand the risks as well? Don't you, Nora?" she asked. I nodded. "If you are with Jordan during a battle than you must hope for the best, expect the worst, and be prepared for either. It is your responsibility to finish the fight if Jordan can't. I think you know what that means. If you truly understand what you are getting yourself into, then I'll be ready to form a contract with you when the time is right. Is that clear?" She asked.

"Yes." I said. My mind was already made up. If I had to fight, then I would. Jordan was my friend, and I wasn't about to let her carry this burden alone.

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