Part 81: The Last Hunter

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Mr. Matthews sat in his apartment.

"Did Casper have any chance of returning Jordan to her human form?" he asked.

"Absolutely not. The world isn't that kind." Alice chuckled as she took a seat next to him on his sofa.

"Then why didn't you tell him that?" Mr. Matthews asked angrily.

"I did. He didn't listen to me, of course. However, Casper's death was surprisingly beneficial to me." Alice admitted. "You are the last demon hunter left, Ian Matthews. You won't be able to fight me on your own. You now have a choice. The only way you could ever have hopes in defeating me is if Nora Evans makes a contract with me. There is no way for me to lose!" she cried gleefully.

"No." Mr. Matthews said. "I will never allow that."

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