Part 12: Healing

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"Alright! All better!" said Mackenzie. She stopped the girl in white's bleeding. The mystery girl seemed to heal really quickly.

    "That was close." the girl said. She was still shaking, but seemed much better than before.

    "Wow." I said.

    "Thanks, Mackenzie. You saved our lives!" Said the girl.

    "You're welcome, but I think it's actually my friends you should be thanking." Mackenzie said. "I probably wouldn't have found those demons if it weren't for them."

    "Thank you Nora and Jordan!" the girl in white said.

    "How do you know our names? Mackenzie, you know this girl?" I asked.

    "Yeah, this girl is my friend. Thanks for saving her." said Mackenzie.

    "You saved us too, Mackenzie. Thanks!" I said.

    "Yeah, this girl has given me the power to fight demons with my force field ability. Normal powers wouldn't affect demons, but now mine do. I can now make huge explosions. My power is not just a shield anymore, but now I can use my ability as a weapon to fight demons!" said Mackenzie. "I never thought I could do anything like that before I met Alice." she said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys even though we're friends. I just didn't think it was necessary for you to know at the time."

    "It's fine, Mackenzie. You don't have to tell us everything." I said. Mackenzie smiled.

    "How did you learn to do that? I mean, how is that even possible?" Jordan asked.

    "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to, but it would be cool to know." I said.

    "This girl taught me. Her name is Alice White. She has the power to make people's abilities effective against demons. She can make anyone powerful!" Mackenzie said pointing to the girl in white.

    "Nice to meet you!" said Alice.

    "Alice! Do you think you can help my friends out too? I mean, improve Jordan's ability and maybe... help Nora out? She's the one I told you about: the one without powers." Mackenzie said to Alice. I frowned. I wasn't exactly cool with Mackenzie blabbing her mouth about my personal business to random strangers but then I wondered, could Alice help me?

    "Huh?" asked Jordan.

    "Yes of course I can help." said Alice. "Nora. Jordan. I can enhance Jordan's ability easily. As for Nora, I can definitely help you with your problem. In order to do that though, you both would have to do a favor for me."

    "You can help me? For real?" I asked. I was so excited I could hardly stand still.

    "What kind of favor?" Jordan asked.

    "All you have to do is make a contract with me," Alice said. Jordan and I stared at her. "and I will make you both more powerful than you've ever been." she said.

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