Part 23: Hell

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"No one knows where demons come from, exactly. We don't really know if the existence of Hell is a possibility or not." Mackenzie explained as we walked alongside the road back to where we left our cars.

"Hell?" Jordan exclaimed.

"Don't worry. It's most likely just a legend. All we know is that demons are twisted souls that show no real purpose other than to cause despair." Mackenzie reassured Jordan. "That is why they need to be stopped." She looked back at me as we walked. Alice was holding on to my hand. She had been holding it ever since Mackenzie's victory against the Aerico. "People who form contracts with Alice get their enhanced power from their souls. The soul is the source of all of our abilities. Alice can improve our souls and release their full power."

"Powers come from souls?" I asked. I was suddenly bothered.

"Yes, and I know what you're thinking, Nora." Mackenzie said. "I assure you that you definitely have a soul like the rest of us. Otherwise, there would be no way for you to make a contract with Alice and she wouldn't have chosen you." she explained. "Your soul probably just needs a little extra something to wake up its power." she said. I smiled at her gratefully.

"Yeah, maybe." I said.

"Yes. That's exactly what your soul needs, a little extra attention. Isn't that right, Mr. Matthews?" The four of us froze. We all whirled around to see Mr. Matthews who was not too far behind us. I wondered how long he had been following us. Mackenzie glared at him. He said nothing, but returned the glare back at Mackenzie.

"Mr. Matthews?" Jordan exclaimed.

"You again!" I said angrily. I was so sick of him following us around.

"Or do you think we should leave Nora's soul alone so she can spend the rest of her life feeling different and left out?" Mackenzie continued.

"I would actually prefer that." he said calmly which pissed me off. "That alternative would be much better." Then he turned to walk in the opposite direction.

"What a weirdo!" Jordan said. "Why'd he even follow us if he was just gonna turn and leave?"

"I do wish he'd stop stalking us." I said. Mackenzie was silent.

"I wonder where he's even going." Jordan said. Mr. Matthews' shape disappeared into the night.

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