Chapter 2 - Training

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March 23, 2061
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
4:41 🕟


Today's my very first training as an Overwatch agent (although I'm not yet). I wanna be part of the strike team where agents like Reinhardt, Torbjörn and Winston are found. So I prepared as soon as possible. I immediately went to take a shower.

7 minutes later

I put on my shirt, jacket, jeans, and high cut shoes, all which in army style. I always loved to wear this kind of stuff. It feels as if I am a hero in saving lives.

Then after a last tie of the shoelace, I immediately opened the door to the outside and left my room.

I walked past the corridor. The wall was very reinforced and the lights remained overnight to keep an eye out for intruders. I wonder if the electric bill would go insanely high. They'd been like this for years and they haven't grow old. A senseful pang of excitement struck me. I slowed down my tracks as I carefully reached my titanium knife from my thigh pocket if any intruder might scare me. I watched the sides of the ceiling if there are any sentries or drones patrolling by. Nothing was expected. The path tuned left and so I followed. I remembered what Jack, I mean my 'father' told me about this occasion.

Overwatch HQ, Switzerland
14:34 🕝

We were walking towards the helicopter in order to get home. We came from an Eastern Conference where the United Nations had global issues regarding the remaining omnics in Western Africa. I never had a chance to be in battle. I wish I could but Jack wouldn't let me. He said that I was too young to be a soldier.

"(Y/N) I gotta tell you something." He called to me. He was behind me. A few meters away.

I glanced back. Curiosity hit me.

"What was that Dad?" My voice sounded like seriously as if he was my biological father. I looked up at his towering stature. He is no ordinary human.

"I'd like to offer you something. I'm sure you would be surprised if I'm going to tell you." He said.

"What is it that you offer, that I am surprised of?" I asked plainly but in first-degree curiosity.

"I'd like you to be part in the soldier enhancement program." He said it straight.

Awestruck! As if my whole life depends on it. S.E.P was my big dream! This is my opportunity. I jumped in extreme excitement. A sense of extremes had bound me into the ends of the earth that I senselessly grabbed his gun and started to....

"Hey hey hey. No no no." He suddenly grabbed the gun and put it back from his right side pocket as I almost pulled the trigger. "Are you insane?!" He shouted at me. I was deadpanned. Silence swept over the area.

Nonetheless I wrapped my arms around him , struggling to reach his height. He was above 5"5 I must say.

"Thank you, Jack." I hugged him by the neck. He was like my daddy really. A tear fell on my cheek.

It was a tear of joy.


I continued to walk silently around the area until I reached the area called Hangar 18.

I continued to walk silently around the area until I reached the area called Hangar 18

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