Bonus Chapter (1) - Rainier's Call 📱📞

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Date: September 29, 2062
Time Occured: 16:07
Point of Location: The Nightblade's Shack
Event Happened: Occurs at Chapter 12 before Rainier found (Y/N)

Rainier just washed some plates, cutlery, and glassware. He's not busy much in his life, just cutting wood and selling them to make a living. The woodland creatures are getting used to him around and they didn't bother to welcome Rainier in the deep woods.

After doing his daily chore, he then washed his hands and reached a small indigo towel that hung over the refrigerator. He soon then started to light up the fireplace. It was getting dark after all.

He went outside to get some of his logs. A fox over the distance eyed him like stone, and Rainier didn't shoo the creature away. Animals are very modest. He thought, an effortless smile forming in his clean-shaven face. Then he hunkered down and shoved 6 perfectly cut round oak logs in his meaty hands. Then raised himself again to handle them without falling as he arched his head backward to balance the pyramid of logs. He looked at his cottage for a while, bearing its simple architecture-he made the design. Diamond windows were perfectly placed in key spots and the largest was found in his bedroom. He built this small home soon after he resigned in Overwatch. Originally he was from Vancouver, a Canadian citizen. But cannot return to Canada because of a family problem. His parents had cut off all ties with him since he pledged to Night Watch. The reasons were somehow unknown. He doesn't want to talk about it.

He went back inside and rested the logs over the hearth in a log cabin position. The mantelpiece was made of carved willow, the design had shown some rose foliage and swirling waves. Several wood animals statues were spaced, decorating the whole light brown platform. Rainier took the matchsticks, and started a fire. It spread over the wood not long and it came to life at last. He was done and so he cleaned his plaid yellow shirt from wood and dirt scraps. Then he cooked for dinner.

When his phone rang.


It's unusual for him to get calls, usually not around this hour. Calls are from contractors or lumber buyers who wanted to get a mound of Rainier's wood. They would contact Rainier between 6:00 to 14:00 (as he requested, since he is a quiet type of person.)

Rainier was about to flip the Angus beef steak on the skillet he raised when the phone rang loudly-he forgot to switch it off in silent mode since he was setting up the fire. He swiped the green button without looking who's the contact and turned into loudspeaker mode. Then he went back to cooking, finally flipping the beef to the other side.

"Who is it? You know I only receive orders until noon."

"Rai." It was a familiar voice. One he distinctly knew from other callers. This was once frequent years ago, and today it came back. He froze, realizing all this time that it was Jack Morrison who called him. He even called him by his nickname. Rai. It reminded him of their relationship. They broke out since Rainier left Overwatch. Jack was forced to accept the reality since he had a heavy burden to carry as a Strike Commander.

At the first ten seconds he didn't answer and he stared at the phone longingly, not knowing what to say or to respond.

"Look... You know this voice. Even the first beep and the manner I always contact you. It's been a while Rainier." Jack's deep voice resonated through the phone.

"Jack." He responded finally, turning of the loudspeaker and let down the skillet while the steak was cooking. The sizzling sound forced Rainier to leave his work temporarily and to focus on the call. He then went to the living room and sat at the sofa, still trying to adapt to the situation.

"There. Look I know you have many questions but I need you to do a favor. I'll explain everything. But not now." He was stunned. After all these years Jack had only came back to ask him a favor. But Rainier loved him deeply, and he was eager to do anything for Jack.

"I get it. What is it?"

"I need you to escort someone near your location. She's in trouble and she's been chased by a group of assassins."

" Why me? Why not the Overwatch forces themselves? Sounds like the old Japanese criminal empire's comeback. What happened anyway?"

"Bloomington's been raided. And you're the only one who's near. Wait you haven't read the news?"

"What?! So that's why the weather's been red almost all day. Was there a fire, I haven't gone back to the city since last week."

"The city's been razed by terrorists of unknown purpose. Didn't you have a TV?"

"My telecommunication device was fried. Anyway where's the rendezvous point?"

"The secret trail near the Brunswick Farms. She's almost cornered. I bet she won't breathe long. She's my daughter." Another piece of revelation.

"What? So you're into another-" Rainier had a slight hint of jealousy.

"Damn it Rai! I just adopted her. You'll know everything when you have encountered her. Just get her safely and take the old train station to reach Kirkwood Avenue and you will uphold your end of the line. No one is safe in Bloomington! Not even you." His voice became gruff and stewed. Rainier has no choice but to at least save a life.

"Ok then Commander. Executed right away!" I mocked.

"And bring something that might not get her suspicious. She doesn't trust strangers. She might question if I didn't send her an agent. You know what to do with these intruders."

"Okay, then. But after all of this I will not return to Overwatch, clear?" Rainier had no plans in returning to their relationship with Jack.

"Concurred." Then the line went out. Rainier hurriedly went to the stove and switched the button. The well-cooked steak was finished and served on a plate then covered it with another. Dinner will have to wait for now. Then he went out of the house without bringing something and headed into the trees.

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