Chapter 14 - Reunion

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I stared at the horrible carnage, the bodies of the assassins caught up by traps like mice lured to a chunk of cheese before realizing their ultimate demise. Some snapped up by the teeth-like metal trap. Most piked up by a carpet of sharp thorn-like spears from the ground. Some were even decapitated and the rest lose considerable parts of their body. All of their severed cadavers, drenched in a sea of blood. Due to the thickness of the mask, thankfully the air didn't come to my nose. I assumed that the air seemed to inhabit a much more concentrated, putrid whiff. I swallowed down my fear, in the verge of being incapable to behold a gory setting early in the morning.

Rainier went behind my back, he too also wore a mask. Oblivious to the scene, he then let out a deep sigh. "There are more of them outside I think. I know a trail that leads us safe." Then he motioned left past the lifeless obstacles, their forms started to decay. I followed him without a word as we paved our way through the ransacked acre. I can't believe Rainier had single-handedly eliminated all of them. They were so many to count. I didn't even heard any disturbance during my sleep. Maybe I slumbered fitfully, anyway I was exhausted from yesterday's events.

"Be careful not to stumble on anything. Keep your eyes alert for any unusual sign. Traps here in this side are still active, not all of them caught these frickin' dogs." He strode carefully, making sure he doesn't trigger something on the ground that might secure his demise. I simply closed the distance between him to keep safe. I am behind him obviously, his broad back resembling like a wall of concrete. He's very tall, taller than Jack, he looked like he measured 6 feet tall. I nodded even though he didn't look back.

"So where are we going now? I lose all planning since yesterday happened so fast unexpectedly."

"Keep your voice down. We don't know if they're out there or not. Trust me." He assured.

"What about the bodies, don't you get sick of the stench of death here? And what if someone discovers a single corpse? They might get suspicious of you."

"Don't worry there are many critters out there feasting on them, and I will be responsible for everything. Jack will compensate for the traps." He kicked out a pile of husks as it barred our way, one by one with his boot.

"You know these guys are a challenge. It's been several years since I went into these. Not a scratch I took even. You slept deeply that not even a shout can rouse you. But I told you before that they are assassins, ruthless killers." Right I was going to ask him about what criminal brotherhood or organization the emblem stands for.

"Who are these people? Who did they serve?" I asked the long-awaited question.

There was a long and awkward silence, except for the crunching of boots in mud.

"They're from the Shimada Clan."


6 years ago

I was in Jack's office, in HQ. Jack says I shouldn't disturb him in work so he let me read books and folders about common intel and about Overwatch itself, including other organizations. I curiously took a platinum-colored folder from a glass closet, the other files fell like a simultaneous domino to the side to occupy the space. Then I slid back the glass and sat down to a black leather sofa as I carefully flip each page after reading. This folder talked about the bad ones.

As I was getting halfway of the file, one organization caught my interest. It was two beasts, black dragons that encircle each other like the Yin & Yang. I read over the whole text:

 I read over the whole text:

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