Chapter 9 - Birthday

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Y/N had been under harsh training. What has been one week had turn into a year. But she endured every single one of it. It was very bushy and Y/N had flaws during that operation. Y/N had an affinity in learning after all. Scientists had concluded that Y/N had an ability called "The Bleeding Effect". Yet Y/N had changed. More disciplined, and had grown full flower today. In birthday's time.

(Your MM/DD/YY), 2062
Watchpoint: Grand Mesa
17:31 🕠


I lied down, reading a book. A peachy hue had showered over the room, the sunset being mild and calm. The soft wind caressing the curtains as they flowed gracefully, like a calm current in the stream. I looked over the page I was currently reading carefully-Morrison bought it for me as a present during my training-, since it was new. The novel was entitled 'Chances of A Ghost' and it was very palpable. Full of redemption and seeking the truth was its theme. Then I resumed reading.

Until someone interrupted me.

Tok Tok Tok Tok! Someone knocked on my door. I laid down the book on the small lamp table. Then I went out of bed to welcome who is stepping on the furry mat outside. I opened the door.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Y/N but there is something I have for you. It's from someone whom you know." Caelan the package deliverer and the paperboy, handed me a mail from his bulky sling bag between sentences.

I scratched my forehead. "Oh right. Thanks Caelen. See you!" My voice had a slight raspy tone and a little bit dismay spiced a hint of it. I haven't have an appetite to chat with him. His cyanic hair is catchy somehow. I turned from him and managed to close the door.

But suddenly the door was hindered by Caelen's hand.

"Wait Y/N are you upset?" His face seems to be bemused, a faint ghost of a smile playing in his lips.

"No, I'm just tired. I need to be alone for now." I took a deep sigh. "Maybe some other time, Caelen."

He never asked why but I know he understands me. "Well if you insist. But don't hesitate to talk with me about your problem."

"Thanks for worrying about but I have no problem. Anyway you can go now Caelen." Irritation slowly came over.

"If that's it then. Bye Y/N." He's out of my sight in an instant, closing the door.

A sudden feeling swept over my whole self, as if today has a special meaning. My stomach had knots and I feel so mundane. This is what it feels like to be depressed; being isolated from family and friends. And here I am, chosen to be sent to war.

My attention turned to the letter. I fell myself to the bed, embracing the soft, fluffy fabric. I teared up the perforation line, and picked out the letter out of the envelope. I unfolded it and read the lengthy penmanship over the piece:

Dear Y/N,

How's it going there? Right I cannot send you messages since you left us. Anyways, what's it like being in training? Oh by the way, Daisy misses you. She's always whimpering in her cage. And the succulents in our backyard grew healthy. Too bad I didn't have pictures with. But don't worry everything's fine in the house. We'd just wanted to check you out. Oh right Happy Birthday Y/N!!! I wish you all the best I can!

With love,
Nancy & Daisy

My mind blew up suddenly when I stared at the very noticeable two words. I bursted out wildly. It's my fvcking birthday!? How did I ever forget? Oh no this is unreal! I'm freaking out now. Dear Nancy thank God this is killing me, thank you so much. I've gone crazy, performing tantrums in this bed. Mixed emotions overwhelmed me. This is... I cannot describe such exhilaration. The joyful times I had every birthday had gone by a phantom's grasp. In fact there is one flaw in this occasion.

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