Bonus Chapter (2) - Cheesy Conversations Pt. 1: Night Watch

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Date: September 30, 2062
Time: 20:01
Point of Location: Watchpoint: Gibraltar

Event Happened: After Chapter 15, when Y/N goes out of the room and goes to the canteen to have a clear-the-air conversation with Deaconsteed (Caelen) after her dozen rounds of crying over her dead parents.



"So you knew about your parents." Deacon forked a slice of ham and fed it into his mouth.

"Yeah." I said slyly as I gobbled up a piece of chicken meat lazily. We ate dinner silently, the food served today was mushroom soup in chicken. I chose to sit on a table set on the far side corner, to keep our talk with Cael... Deacon a hush-hush. I didn't tell him yet that my parents also worked with him.

"You're such a liar."

"Fine. You got me. My name is Deaconsteed Oxymoron." He started to introduce himself.

"And I am Nesthyde Aysha Sumerydon Kingstiffle Hattaman. In short, Nest o' birds On A Summer King Hat ughhh!" I bowed tiringly.

Deacon simply expressed a pitiful grin. I sighed. I lose my appetite simply. My name's too long. I wonder why my parents named me that kind of 'praenomen nomen cognomen' as the Romans say. Nesthyde is like a plant species or a fantasy character in a novel.

"Anyway, just call me Nest."

"Nice to meet you, Nest. Name's long." He mocked. Fine I'll play this game to wash my worries off. I already took much of the grief this day.

"Nice to meet you." I go with his flow. I had a loss of energy in speaking those words, technically not in the mood for some nonsense. But I had to release this negativity off the couch.

"I work for Colonel Rainier. The Night Watch is a nice 'guild' to sport. Doing operations in midnight keeps me comfortable. You know, sneaking behind enemy lines, and eliminate them all in less than a minute."

"How did you meet with him?"

"Colonel Rainier was the founder of Night Watch and the oldest member in it. I was just 18 when I joined the team. I also operated alongside Torchlight, Lycanstopper, Duskfury, and Nightblade."

"Nightblade was Rainier."

"Yeah. We made our own aliases to keep our identity in public."

"Why is he call the Nightblade?"

"Because he always has that 'one shot, one kill' aspect. And he does that effortlessly that no one can witness any kill he executes. But it is extremely rare to see him in open field even in a black night. What's anomalous is that he leaves a bluish mark in every enemy he kills. And so the victim's body will look blue and veiny."

"Interesting. That's why he killed almost three dozens of the Shimada pack. But I didn't see any bluish marks on any corpse." I murmured.

Deacon almost spilled the glass of water when he was surprised and heard my low voice. Some of the workers glanced at us wonderingly and turned back to continue their dinner break.

"Wait, you say Shimada? The Shimada Clan? And three dozens of them? Did you witnessed anything?" His eyes went wide, curiosity filling his head I guess.

"No. I was in a deep sleep. He rescued me from the chase of those ruthless packdogs and escaped. It was very bloody, I even killed one of them."

"What the.... Killing a single one of them is already a prize to cherish. The Shimada Clan are not just assassins."

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