Chapter 12 - Escape👟

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I went out of the room as fast as I can, but not without taking my most important belongings, leaving my clothes and other things. I heard footsteps from outside and blood flushed up my face in panic. Then I started to move out.

The rain got strong and the mist started to thicken. I was completely wet. I can only see the towering stalks of the cornfield and the looming shadow of the fruit trees of the orchard. The wind was blowing fast and a storm was coming.

From a distance I saw shadows by the northeast side of the barn, my vision quite blurred by the torrential rain. I began to run away, heading to the cornfields. No wonder I stopped crying and the knife was still in place, clutched in my right.

It seemed I was followed. But questions have to wait. I gotta look on my watch. It's 16:00🕔.

Oh, Nancy... why did you suffer that kind of fate? You didn't deserve such. I wished none of this would've happened. But it did, and I was nothing to stop it. Stopping the inevitable. That's time itself, isn't it?

Thanks to the tall plants, the pursuers have great difficulty in finding me here, although soon they won't notice the stalks swaying under my passing, the mist is too hazy for the eye to see clearly.

In the midst of the falling weather, I can still hear voices. The question is where will I go? So far, the other side of the cornfields leads to the eastern end of the barn and outside of it, the woods. Maybe I can hide until the criminals have a chance to give up their pursuit with me.

Then my phone rang. Panic flooded in me. Shit! I will get heard! I didn't switch this to silent mode. A mistake between a life-and-death situation. My hands shook as I reached for the phone to turn it off. It was Jack who called! Better answer it!

"Not now Jack, I'm being followed!" I tried to keep my voice down, more even because of the weather. I looked back at the direction of the pursuers, they were trying to cover more ground, divide and conquer as Jack said in the training.

"What?! Where were you? I told you to get back here in Grand Mesa!" His voice was now of pure anger and disappointment.

"Now is not the time for arguing! I'm in the middle of a situation! Nancy is dead, the criminals are here finding me, and I am in the middle of the cornfields in the Brunswick Farms! Instead of giving me a sermon, why don't you just give me an escape plan here?!" I retorted back. I attempted a crouch position, slowly crawling to reach the other side of the field.

"Damn it! Now things just get worse than I thought. Get to the other side, and go east, until you find a fence, jump over it and you'll make it to the woods. There's a small trail that leads to another two. If the path splits, go over the one which has no path, then you'll make your way up the main road, I'll send someone to get for you. If you may encounter one of them, do not hesitate to kill. Remember your training. Now go!" At last relief finally took over my panic. 📴

Now if I could just get to the other side. I doubled my pace, now looking like a hunchback to avoid been seen. The corns are evenly spaced, so there is room for no mistake in seeing me. I hear the voices again. The language was weird that I didn't recognize any bit of it. But one thing is for sure..They have entered the cornfields.

Finally I can almost reach the end.

Then a big figure barred my way. I froze in shock.

"Oooh, looks like the rabbit cannot escape the fox." He growled. But his accent was different the way he speak. Lucky for me he is unarmed, but quite armored plus his bulky, muscular figure.

I held the knife ready. It was my only self-defense. I remember my harsh training. It wouldn't bother if I killed one, I had attuned myself to all sorts of killing. Then I surged forward, giving every strength I had within my body. Then I thrust the knife to his neck. But he stopped it with his big hand.

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