Chapter 3 - Bonding

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March 26, 2061
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
6:44 🕡


"By the way, why did you put me here? I wanted to be at the headquarters." I asked Morrison as I unpacked my breakfast which is in a synthetic plastic foil-like bag. It looks like oatmeal with raspberry chunks and its ready to eat. I placed it on a bowl which had an Overwatch emblem on the sides. Morrison didn't eat. He sat in front of me, his hands clasped as he watched me eat.

"It's not safe for you at the HQ. Director Petras or Miss Adawe might see me having a kid. Besides, my fellow agents thought that you were my nephew, so it's safe that you're out of reach." His expression was reassuring, his voice a little bit aged. He's 41 and he's getting old.

"Huh, pretty good much of a foster father. I like you, Jack Morrison. You're one of the best." I said before shoving the handful of oatmeal in my mouth.

"Watch with your words kid. I may not be your true father but at least you must respect me." He raised his tone as a warning, and he unclasped his hands. Probably he was provoked.

"Yes, father." I said lowly. I lost my manners every time I interact with him. And he's very serious when he scolds me. I remember such times when he did that. It was harsh.

2 minutes later

I finished eating and immediately left the canteen with Jack. I was about to go back in my room to study some soldier stuff when suddenly he grabbed me by the hand.

"Hey. What?" I grunted by his sudden act.

"We're going somewhere." He said. Oh great were going somewhere. I hope it's in the HQ.

"Where?" I asked sweetly, thinking that I might go there.

He smirked then chuckled softly.

"Don't think about going to the HQ. I told you earlier. You didn't get me correctly." His hands were in his hips, emanating an aura of superiority. I was defeated. Alright you win Jack Morrison.

I finally sighed. "I was busy eating. Fine. You do have a point." He'd got my hands up in the hair. "So where do we go, now father?" I emphasized the word father so that he might understand me clearly.

"(Y/N)." He warned me again. He was too perceptive to unravel such intention. Now my hands were tied, tightly.

"What? I'm just trying to be a sweet and loving (daughter/son)." My tone went to the theme of what I just said.

"Never mind." He muttered. "Well I just thought that you and I would had a little bonding." His voice went daddy-ic. I am awed of what he said.

"Awww, that's so sweet. Thank you dad." I hugged his transcendent size. He's very big, and fit for a daddy. Then a tear fell on my check. I almost cried. Honestly, I was carried away by my feelings.

Jack Morrison

She hugged me. I felt warm by (Y/N)'s touch. I hugged her back. I wrapped my arms around her.


He hugged me back. He's so tenderly sweet. I hoped that my father from above will not get jealous just because I loved Jack more dearly. They're just the same. Every time I get near Jack, I remembered my father. I hope I had a foster mother too. This was a moment I couldn't forget.

Back to normal. I maintained my place and asked him if where we should bond.

"We're going to the mall in Seattle." He said flatly. Seattle? It's getting bored there.

"Nah. I want an eco-shopping mall. Like, in Numbani, or in King's Row perhaps?" I suggested some ideas like a child. I became excited since its been years I haven't been to a shopping mall. Last time I remembered was 4 years ago in Nevada. Anyway I hate being stuck in these quarters all along, doing nothing but army stuff.

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