Chapter 17 - Fletchings of Uncertainty

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June 16, 2066
Forward Eagle Base 🔰
8:05 🕗

The night had come to pass. Forward Eagle Base was sleeping soundly, the Shimada Clan's battering assaults stopped. Nest woke up and went out from the trailer to see the soldiers back at their positions. The medics mending the wounded the soldiers from their stretchers, the mechanics replacing or repairing tank parts. As FCMD strode her way past busy people, she was quickly intervened by Singh.

She jerked slightly of the sudden intervention. "Singh, I was just about to see you." She didn't fully rub her eyes of the dried tears and now she did.

"Morning, FCMD! Commander has sent message for you." He greeted and handed her the white metal-encased tablet. Then Nest handled it with care, seeing Jack's face that seemingly looked almost the same as yesterday. Nonetheless he started to speak.

"Congratulations, FCMD." He felicitated with her martial alias. "You have just completed your first mission. Didn't get a scratch huh?"

Nest scoffed. "That was too easy. They're all cowards."

"Do not underestimate the Shimada Clan. You will not see the last of them yet." Jack's tone corrected Nest's pride.

"I know, my vengeance is not done with them. Anyway the way to Vermillion's Mark is clear, am I right Commander?" She arched a brow.

"Crystal. By the way I have some good news. Night Watch has succeeded in infiltrating another hideout of the Shimada's and reports say one of the leaders, or oyabun in the Japanese term was there. I think you should outrun them if you wanted to get your hands on." He made that plain smile.

"That's great news indeed. Should I take the chopper or maybe, I don't know." FCMD felt juvenile and excited with a slice of nervousness.

"You'd better take the chopper. It's much safe and refrain from using the rockets-they cost greatly and Overwatch doesn't compensate easily for aerial weapons." He said.

"Well, guess I'll be going then." FCMD sighed.

"I'll keep an eye from our satellites and see if anything goes awry." Then the line ended and the screen blacked out. She handed Singh back the tablet.

"Thank you Singh for yesterday. You might be promoted sooner than you think." Nest winked at Singh, her mood went giddy of a fresh new mission materializing in her mind.

Singh chuckled nervously. "That's not possible."

"You never know when it might hit." FCMD's face lit up suddenly, warmth flooded in her cheeks. The morning was kind even in this temporal peace.

"So it seems I'll be on my way to Vermillion's Mark. See you again Singh." Then FCMD waved her goodbye. The helipad was located on the other entry to the base. Nest hurried as she saw the same black helicopter was now prepared to leave, its rotors spinning fast and the whirring sound filled Nest's ears as she felt the cold air around her stirred. She then rode the helicopter. Soon the chopper lifted up and the flight dispatcher moved out of the helipad, done with his job. Nest now made her way to Shinsuna.


Hanamura Arcade🎴
8:30 🕗

The establishment was silent. It was closing time. Yet gaming hours were still persistent for this particular VIP customer. Among the 8-bit arcade machines that were shut down from yesterday's closing time which is at 22:00, this brash green-haired guy seemed to play hard on a big, wide arcade machine throughout the whole night. Rays of sunlight entered through holes from the roof or from the sides of the ceiling. The changing color of lights in the dim insides came from the machine the 'overkilled' gamer frolicked. He barely slept from his gaming addiction, playing Tekken 5 all the time. The owner of the arcade didn't bother, as the customer would insert numerous tokens to prolong his enjoyment and thus making the arcade rich. The guy kept pressing the control buttons and repeatedly harassed the moving lever as he narrowed his weary eyes to his virtual opponent. Beside him was a mound of chips and plastic bowls of ramen empty. And there was the last packet of wasabi chips, gobbled up in short period where loading screen popped up before the next match started. He played... well for 11 hours straight! Big sacks formed around his bleary eyes, as if the guy was having a blackeye. He pursed his lips, the patience worn out of him as he had difficulty in defeating his virtual opponent. Soon his character toppled and for the first time, having tasted his first defeat from a game, he smashed the console with his hands in frustration, which created noise. Then voices from outside started to fill the early morning, wondering what was happening inside the arcade shop. The green-haired man then stood. He was in his traditional yukata that bore his family's insignia. Two beasts circling each other similar to the Yin & Yang sign. The insignia of the Shimada Clan.

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