Chapter 7 - The Trip To Colorado

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January 26, 2061
Bloomington, Indiana
6:43 🕡
The day of the training

Y/N had prepared everything. Food, personal clothes good for five days (she had to wear uniform and laundry's been weekly), and other stuff since she had to stay at Watchpoint: Grand Mesa in Colorado where she would start her training. She had been anxious lately in her room yesterday, roaming around the purlieu clumsily as she locked herself out of boredom. Thoughts of the training cohered in her back and forth, reaching out possibilities of what would the training be like. Traps, shooting ranges, archery, physical fitness and other unlikely weird stuff like meditation or emotional management. She even thought of verbal doing, which supposedly be a stark contrast of the main subject. Oddly, if not.

Nancy desiderated at being loyally fulfilled to her task of being a maid. She would accompany (Y/N) all the way to the train station until she can manage to get to Colorado. She did this since they would not meet for a long time, Y/N will be undergoing "hibernation" in training. As Jack said through the phone an escort will assist her way from the other station through the watchpoint until all seemed well. Y/N left the house with a heavy heart, now accompanied by her loyal maid/friend. She gestured at Daisy, the dog feeling like she will be separated for a long time from her fleeing companion.

The gates of temporal sorrow, lay shut as Nancy severed the tie from the lock and key. A whining Daisy approached the newly closed confines, attempting to break free. Although she was no human, she could never forget this. It would left her traumatized for days until she may cope up again. She barked, even more as the two women stretched out a far distance. They went the direction where Mr. Brunswick's barn should be.

Skies darkened, matching the mood between today's environment. Nancy had managed to deploy the umbrella swiftly, not having the adversity in handling some of Y/N's things. Moments later it began to rain slowly. But there was peace of nature, emanating from the forestial borders of the sideways, save that of the cloudburst and the pair's almost inaudible footsteps. They paced with emotion, Y/N seemed boundless of what to do after this petty tragedy, of what seemed fate to happen. No one could blame anyone. It happened all out of luck. They didn't seemed to talk after all. They just waited for a hovering taxi to ride to the train station. Minutes later they found one. They started to execute their farewells.

"I think you might not worry about me." Y/N said without sadness. But the weary face did not pertain. Behind her was the waiting taxi hovering above. Nancy then handed her things, a pack bag, and a travel bag.

"Sure. Not even a little." Nancy fought the threatening tears, thinking that one might prove of a guise to that of a raindrop. Her voice started to broke off. She felt a lump in her throat, probably her conserved loneliness that dwelled within. A deep swallow she took and she groaned. Then an tear flowed impatiently, one that flowed with affliction but left a path of grace. Then she rubbed of it.

"Looks like I'm defeated." She laughed. She didn't struggle to hold back. Now she bursted forcibly.

"Nancy I told you not to cry." (Y/N) wiped out the weeps in her damped face. She too went with the flow. "I won't be too long."

"Well if you insist." She handed over her portmanteau and handbag. (Y/N) took them as the door opened suddenly and placed them inside. Then she gestured back at Nancy as she went inside, sitting with a cue of hesitancy.

"I'll be missing you." She said as she fought back the next series of tears. The door automatically closed. The window slid down next. She popped her head out, leaning her neck down. "Don't forget to feed Daisy always. And water the succulents at our little greenhouse." She reminded her of daily activities just to remove the downcast in her. She even chuckled a bit of her few words. Nancy did the same.

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