Chapter 4 - Taking a Break

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"But Jack I thought the real training might start in 3 days. I never interacted such a real attack in this kind of situation." I exclaimed, knowing that I'm afraid of the reality that surrounds me. Panic spread like wildfire, triggered by gunshots.

"Then you must face it, like your own dream to be part of us in the strike team." He said with a tone of encouragement. He seldom encourages me in some kinds of hardships in life. This was the recent one.

I was confused now, my mind was spiraling between doubt and possibility. My temple started to throb wildly. I gently massaged it but it only made it worse.

"Aaaargghh!" I winced at the pain. I bent my knees until I lied to the ground since the throe had persisted, leaving me uncomfortable. I started to sweat and I suddenly hyperventilate. My hands went numb and Jack immediately went to my side.

"(Y/N) are you all right?! Y/N!" He patted my shoulder repeatedly, trying to catch my attention. I cannot utter a single word or either I cannot rise from my feet. I was lying, literally. Luckily the pain subsided but momentarily another trouble had disturbed my senses. My eyes went heavy and hypnotism struck down. Voices once I hear were replaced by nothing but echoes. Jack shouted worriedly, struggling to bring me back. But it was too late.

One moment the world fell around me, and I felt nothing.

My world had gone black just as I shut my eyes for good.

And there............w-was...............s-s-silence.

5 hours later

It was a bit cold but still I felt numb. I understand now. I've been knocked unconscious in Numbani since the terrorism happened. It was a weird feeling, and an untimely one. Anyway, I'm safe.

I woke up and found myself in a room full of medical stuff. I'm in a hospital but the surroundings looks familiar. Wait. It can't be. This was.....

A Swiss hospital! I laughed inaudibly. I can't believe I'm in Switzerland. I almost forgot about myself. I wore my usual outfit from before, no tubes or oxygen masks. Sunlight penetrated the blinds as warmth bathed me. I looked at my watch. It's almost three and it seems I'm getting rest here. The room's accent was turquoise, which calmed my senses. But is this Switzerland, for sure? I rushed down to the window from bed and peeked through the blinds. I saw a small recreational park with a crossroad mosaicked in autumn style. In the the center was a white flag with a red cross in the center. I'm really here in Switzerland. My mind was screaming for joy, but limitations came in the way just in case I would go insensible again. I sighed in relief of happiness. Then I heard a door opening. I looked back.

"Oh! You're finally awake dear." A doctor in golden hair went in carrying a medical record tugged in. She wore a fitting blue outfit for a doctor, showing enough of her curves that seemed her as a lithe person, and full of pockets of what seemed for emergency. She wore black gloves and an injection was plastered on her left armament which covered her arm. A strapped skirt of blue and white covered her lower region where she wore leggings suitable for her to move fast. Then she wore heels having a red hue reaching the end. Most of her outfit is of blue and white, probably their uniform. Her angelic voice made me felt her kindness through her words. She smiled.

"Oh yes, I'm fine now." I glanced back in an orderly manner. Then she approached me, leaving a space enough for us to talk.

"By the way, I'm Dr. Angela Ziegler, the head of this hospital. You can call me Angela if you like to." She introduced herself.

"I'm (Y/N, L/N) and I'm obliged to meet you." We then shake hands and chuckled at the same time.

"Well your uncle is waiting outside. He is eager to see you at this moment." My uncle? I do not have any uncle in Switzerland.

A Shimada's Love (Shimada Destine Trilogy - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now