🌀The Indigo Chapter💙

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This part contains a major (BxB) scene that are intended for mature audiences. If you are not yet liable to read the whole chapter which will be shown below, please skip this part, as this is a bonus snippet of the book and is not really revolved around the story. If you think the descriptions are quite too much or unable to satisfy your reading, kindly keep all the criticism to yourself because none will be taken. But feel free to comment and vote if you like this chapter. Enjoy reading! 📖

(This special ✨ long-time encounter happened right away after (Y/N)'s heated argument with Jack.)


"How did-? Fuck you son of a- you are all liars!!!" Nest stormed away past Rainier as she bursted forth in fury, running away like a crazy hag. The drone on repair had paused, the workers descrying the source of the sudden vehemence.

"(Y/N) I..." He stopped. He did not want (Y/N) to be burdened by another book of confidential secrets nor to be channelled by duties of her newfound identity

Rainier fastened his pace, knowing that the output of the meeting was futile in Nest's understanding. For now. He knew that he was his comrade's daughter. He shouldn't be here anymore since he already finished his task in keeping the girl safe. But Jack had another plans for him. And Rainier was eager to listen to his explanations he implored a long time ago. The break-up was unexpected and was happening too fast. Rainier only left Overwatch to avoid false accusations made by the public during that one long-termed protest strike. But he didn't abandon or severe any ties he had with Morrison.  He even attempted to establish contact with him not just physically, but Jack was too preoccupied by the everyday games of politics and his tactical chess of military and so lost time to spend with Rainier that he almost buried him in the back of his mind. Rainier then forced to live a solitary life in Bloomington near Jack so at least they're both near safe and sound. He didn't wanted to go back in Canada, the wasteland didn't offer him much survival and his indurate parents almost superseded his own rights and almost took all of him, including his sanity. But Rainier was a dangerous person and he almost threatened his parents due to abuse of authority. And so he was banished, going down to the States to escape the traumatic climate that pervaded him since youth. All those images were kept intact in his mind, haunting him in unyielding durations. He once again reminisced all of it again as he was already on the door and utterly relieved himself with Jack.

With a long sigh he entered the room.

The door went a slow thud as it closed, the air here same as outside. Rainier realized the conditioner was off. There was fair lighting and the room had an unusual ambience. Silence took place and he walked a few steps before getting near to the table.

He saw Jack drinking.

"Long time, huh? Still doing your second nature on the labs." His deep voice Rainier wouldn't forget. The tone and rhythm of his words had sent Rainier in his mind, remembering that voice of the man he loved deeply. Still etched in his weary heart.

"Morrison." Rainier couldn't say anything more. He wasn't ready for this. He missed him so much that he wanted to vault and hug him greedily.

"You should've retaliated my request. I didn't force you to have an audience with me." A very white lie. And Jack hesitated at the very end of the statement.

"That wasn't optional neither mandatory. It was my decision. I came here to see things clear." At last he managed to have confidence to brim up his shrouded intrepidity. And he took another quarter of steps towards Jack.

A Shimada's Love (Shimada Destine Trilogy - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now