Chaptet 15 - The Deep Confrontation 💢💧

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September 39, 2062 (Same Day)
Watchpoint: Gibraltar 17:21🕔

Light flashed and I rubbed my eyes, gathering strength to rise and wake up from an afternoon nap. We arrived in Grand Mesa at 11 hundred and took a helicopter to Gibraltar in 3 hours. After arriving the people didn't hesitate to let us rest for the whole afternoon until Jack arrives. Such orders from the commander are set beforehand and are too mandatory to be ignored. I quickly ate lunch and slept to my room, sharing it with Rainier as he preferred the sofa a much better reception. We both fell asleep, letting the strains fade away in slumber. Two hours was enough to replace my guilt over the other day, forcing to forget it in memory. I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer view and dressed up to prepare for Jack's arrival. I wouldn't bother Rainier for now as he too needed rest from the pressure of the bags he carried since from the woods until here. I can see the veins etched like state-of-the-art in his crossed arms. He even covered his eyes with a hanky as a nightcap. I increased the temperature through the room conditioner from 18° Celsius to 21° Celsius-since we both don't have a blanket (laundry's too packed.) I went out of the room silently and went to the grounds right to the coast to get some fresh air.


The afternoon sky was simply a shade of deep yellow to a slick of red, the sun was about to set but not on the horizon yet. I was just wearing a small bomber jacket tucked to a white blue shirt and a tight shorts. I wore rubber boots as I wanted to walk around the area comfortably, witnessing the crashing of serene waves against the quiet seashore and the ever-vigilant Rock of Gibraltar. There aren't any noisy aircraft repairs neither a drone testing. This was a perfect timing to have my personal time here.

I thought about the relationship between Jack and Rainier. I wasn't offended by it. It's just... very weird and somehow.... cringeworthy. I have no idea about Jack being so soft and effeminate. Perhaps he's not that type of guy isn't he? He's not even a closet one either.

Then a low whirring sound stirred in my ears. Slowly it rose as I tried to heightened my senses I eyed the sea's as I saw a black dot growing bigger as it got near, making the object clearer to see. A helicopter. Jack has arrived. I better tell a fight dispatchers and some of the avionic technicians to take care of the landing. I rushed to Hangar 18 and roused them from their chess break. Then the floodlights flashed on and the people started to make preparations for Jack's landing. I better prepare for an 'interview'. I took my phone and texted Jack to set a meeting place: the conference room. Then I returned to my room and prepared just as I see the black chopper hovering above me.

5 minutes later

I opened the room just to see Rainier gone. I flicked the light switch and opened the closet to change. As I grabbed the hanger with an Overwatch linen shirt a small sticky note was plastered on the left pocket and I took it out questioningly. A ✉ from Rainier:

Just passing on to the labs. I'll catch up to the con room.
- Rainier

My head jerked lightly in his abrupt alibi. I shrugged off the matter and place the note on the small table. Right I forgot, I didn't take a bath but I wonder I didn't smell like angst. My geez I should've washed before going down the wide runway.

I switched the shirt with a long towel and quickly took off my clothing and rushed to the bathroom.

10 minutes later

Got ready to leave the room after dressed. I straighten up a bit to adjust the sleekness of my tight uniform shirt. I sighed in unison and knelt down as I tie the soles of my boots. I heard the coming of footsteps. It was Caelen, dressed... in Overwatch uniform?? And what was he doing here in Gibraltar?

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