Chapter 6 - Stopping By

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We walked by the sidewalk since there are hovering cars and other vehicles that passed by. The sun was shining brightly, and I feel the wind ebbing through my hair gently as if it was a flowing river. The weather was really great, and this picnic would be indeed a splendor of good memories.

"Daisy's getting fine by the way Y/N. She even helped me in catching the burglar that entered the house yesterday. That's why I captured him easily." Nancy was behind me, holding the picnic basket and other things we bring while I held Daisy. The dog snuffed the surface, as what they would do always. I chuckled softly, being happy that Daisy didn't go wild. I remembered when I was 14 years old when I first took a walk with Daisy. It was autumn in September and it was my first. That memory was one of the memorable experiences in my whole life.

We continued to pace by the sidewalk as I continued to reminisce such memories with Daisy. But that was the most memorable one. Little did I know that someone was calling for me.

"Y/N!" Nancy shouted. I realized that I was ahead of her. Well I didn't mind walking while I throw backed a while. Daisy was still in my grasp, not letting to repeat the same yet memorable mistake. Although we're in the middle of a forest, there are still vehicles hovering and rolling by the main road. We took the sidewalk to avoid accidents.

"Hurry up, we do not have much time." I yelled back as she was starting to fasten her paces. "Faster!" I laughed at her lousy jogging. From a distance I can still see the joy within her when she chuckled. She paused for a bit, then ran quickly towards me. And so she finally reached me, her hand patted your left shoulder. She was exhausted.

"You shouldn't take this so harshly (Y/N)." She recovered, a smile curled up on her weary face.

And so we continued walking until we reached the minimart.

2 minutes later

At last! We've arrived at the Greenhill Mart. Before going inside, I tied Daisy to a post for a while. Then Nancy and I went inside. It was cold since there was an aircon

"What shall we buy?" Nancy asked.

"Anything there." I whispered. We then both chuckled.

A lady in green uniform with a leaf sign placed on top of a golden circle greeted us warmly.

"Welcome to Greenhill Mart. Please feel free to buy something there." She smiled. We gestured also as a sign of greeting. Then we continued. We split apart to buy some snacks more easily. I am at the snacks area, specifically at the junk food aisle. So I took out my list:

Picnic list:

(2)Tortilla Chips
(2)Barbecue Pic-A
(4)Wonka Tart Candies
(6)Licorice (Cherry)
(1)Green Apple Jell-O
(3)Spicy Hungarian Sandwiches
(1)Peach Sherbet (for me)
(1)Blueberry Gelato (for Nancy)
(2)Mountain Dews

That was all. Anyway I got $120 here in my wallet. So I started to rummage the things I have to buy. Nancy will buy the other ones. I spotted a barbecue flavored Doritos and grabbed two of it.


We directly proceeded to the counter and paid all we ordered. Nancy had also $150 so we decided to pay a part. In all we paid $130 with me paying $70 and Nancy the rest.

A Shimada's Love (Shimada Destine Trilogy - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now