Chapter 8 - Training Program💦

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January 26, 2061
State of Colorado
9:03 🕘
The day of the training

"Attention passengers, we have arrived at Colorado. Thank you for taking a wonderful trip. We hope to see you again." The announcer's voice were similar to that of Athena, the Overwatch's AI, or specifically Winston's personal companion. The hypertrain stopped as it reached its destination. A bell-like beep sounded, signaling for the door to slide. Then the passengers stood up and took their baggage and scurried to the door.


I stepped out of the door just as I breathe the air around me, letting an exhale. Then I rested my luggage in a nearby post. I cocked my head, waiting for Bett to appear behind the fleeing crowd. There she appeared, her basket in her hand. People bumped her slowly, but she managed to avoid them. Her eyeglasses seem to fall off but she tucked it with her index finger. I rushed to her side, getting her out of the throng.

"Oh,thank you dear." Her olden voice gratified.

"That was nothing. You might stumble there." I replied with a soft smile as I clenched my portmanteau and my bag. I checked everything and all is well.

"Don't bother, dear. An old woman will not fall in her tracks." She boasted. Then we both laughed. I paused for a bit, knowing that we will part ways.

"Make sure to see your grandchildren safely, Bett." I gave her a safe laud.

"And be safe in your training dear, it's dangerous. Should you have to take a break, please stop by." Her look was stressed, kind of concern. Then she slipped her hand from her breast pocket in her dress, getting something. Then she handed me a calling card, one that represents The Bakery. Half of it was colored brown and the other half was dark green. The title font was in Medieval English. Then Bett's tiny name was on the lower right corner, indicated in a Times New Roman font: Bettherie McKinnson. Below her name was the address, Morrison Street, 21st Avenue, Colorado. Then the telephone number followed, 010-5942. The Bakery's style is classical, I can tell. I thanked her.

"Sure, we will visit you anytime. I wish we could meet again." This time I became sincere. Then she started to pace inside the terminal.

"We will. I wish I could never forget you." She turned back and gestured. A laughable grin curled in the corners of my mouth.

"Bye!" I waved goodbye. The people didn't notice my shout. They still continued their work. Then she turned to the left alley until her figure disappeared.

I let out a deep sigh, thinking that I might see her again. She became one of my dearest friends since earlier in the train. It was really great having a conversation with her.

I started to grab my things and walked down the right alley. Jack said that an escort will take me to the watchpoint in the Grand Mesa. Surely they will be dressed in their uniform. Perhaps I will meet them at the outside.

I continued to walk as I zigzagged in order to avoid bumping with people. I can barely even smell the fresh smoky tang of the pavement that came from the nearby terminal. It seems there is a new project proposed to add another section in this station. I covered my nose, straining not to inhale any dust. My brows cinched in displeasure as I fasten my steps to get out of the purlieu just as I witnessed a part of the alley which is under construction, bringing out dust and the reeking smell of asphalt. The people also wore masks and some covered their noses with their gloves, if some like a noblewoman would like wear in the middle of the alley. I continued to walk until I got out of the area.

At last I can breathe free. I sighed as I paused for a bit and sat by a nearby chair. There was a sign hanging on the ceiling. It said directions on different terminals.

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