Chapter 11 - A Time Too Soon⌛

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2 hours later
Fort Wayne🚊☔ 14:30 PM🕝


I rushed out of the train station, the luggage I brought barely delayed my pace. I was raining outside really hard and crap I didn't manage to borrow an umbrella. I do wore a simple checkerd shirt and bottom jeans.

To my expected relief a taxi came across and I rode, not bothering the short distance bombarded by cold raindrops. I hovered down slightly as I quickly hand over the luggage at the rear side of the vehicle. My phone was ringing persistently in the midst of my temporal struggle. Finally I managed to seat and rest for a while.

"Can you make it to Bloomington?" I rushed myself, knowing I was dehydrated.

"Uhh, but no one is permitted to travel-"

"I mean just drive me outside of the county! walking distance will be enough! Please?!" I yelled in frustration.

The driver went silent. Then the vehicle started to hover and flew straight to my destination.

Somewhere near Bloomington

"That was too much! We just razed a town. Our only objective was to get the girl!" One said in a foreign accent not familiar to the county they stood and interfered.

"Well that will get her attention. You know she and her scullery maid friend were very close. You don't seem to know our target very well. It's part of being an assassin." Another one said with the similar accent.

Then someone approached them, but by far the looks of him, he was more superior than the other two.

"Neither of your petty squabbles will help achieve our goal. The maid has fled. We must find a way to get out of here unseen." The leader's deep voice almost bellowed

Then others joined the leader, a convene of criminals. They were somehow situated in a cave, the ceiling jutted by spiky rock formations, not far from the town they raided, which was just a mere attractor to their target. Why should they affect the innocent when only one house can lure the girl in?

"So what's our new plan boss? Should we search the maid and bargain her with the commander?" The first said out of curiosity.

Then the leader held his head and motioned to his ear whispering, "Maybe we should tie you to a gree and feed you to whatever roams out there in the woods."

Then a recognition of cowering made the whole convene witness a member's incompetence. Their group will not consider such behavior.

"Remember what the master said about cowards?" The leader's voice rose. All cheered in agreement except the cowering person.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up! Your insolence will not be tolerated! All of you! You know what punishment this crook deserves. From now on he will be of no use to us."

Then the rest of the members reveal wicked-looking weapons fit for an assassin and began dismembering the poor victim. The assailed screamed until the vestiges of him died away. The leader didn't participate, only to be interrupted by a phone call.

"Master, the plan has been executed and we will wait until the girl gets back to her town-"

"That, was not the plan Kiriyo." The caller said in a forceful calm note, a hint of dismay penting up.

"But that was a lure for the girl to come here." The leader sounded troubling.

"Fools, you have given our enemies an opportunity to unravel about our whereabouts. If someone knows who you are working for or even suspects our emblem, you will get what you deserve. Now get out of there. Return to Hanamura." The caller was clearly disappointed, anger welled up his voice.

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