Chapter 16 - First Mission: Provisions to Forward Eagle Base

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Nest had spent 4 years in the soldier training program being on of the few women who had enlisted in the enhancement. Though not having the perks of being a seasoned veteran she is well quite enough to bring in tactics on how to surpass her enemies, thus making her well-known among the trainees. Now her training has ended, and (Y/N) has officially joined Overwatch indirectly via Night Watch in the age of 22, one of the youngest who affiliated in the global organization. Now she already has plans to combat operations in dealing with the returning Shimada Clan, who had completely resurfaced and once more wreaked havoc in areas around the in search for domination and corrupting the defenseless. Y/N will not work alone but this vigil is personal and she will be aided by the Night Watch. Doing this to avenge her parents and to stop criminality, she had found the Vermillion, a strike taskforce in dealing with notorious and ruthless criminals who had a long history over the years. Now, she is ready to rain fire upon her enemies.

June 15, 2066
Bay of Tokyo
19:11 🕖
First Mission 🔺

The helicopter 🚁 whirred noisily as it hovered above the coast, getting near the port. From the distance up ahead, there was vicious activity from the east side of the city, small lights blinking repeatedly that produced flame clouds. It only meant two things: open fire gunshots and explosions. A war was declared on the Special Ward of Tokyo, Koto as it is where Hanamura was located, the home of the Shimada Clan. The small battle started 2 weeks ago, and the Overwatch and the Shimada Clan take turns in assimilating small provinces that were now devoid of Japanese citizens-the innocent evacuated at Yamanashi Prefecture to completely avoid the conflict. Some defied and went into hideouts. Others were unlucky and caught by war's path. Overwatch forces had established 3 temporary bases to secure their territory, as the Shimada Clan were conquerors if drawn into the open. Forward Eagle Base was an Overwatch outpost located at Ariake. Vermillion's Mark was stationed at Shinsuna while the Night Watch insisted to establish their hideout at Wakasu to avoid as much exposure even at dark, as they specialize in sublety. Together they will combat the Shimada Clan in all threes and end their threat once and for all.

Inside the helicopter was (Y/N)... or rather Nesthyde. She had many titles; Leader of the Vermillion, Hunter of the Mark, Slate of Survivors, but her commoner, which people would rather address her was Front Commander Thyde or Miss Nest for easier purposes. Among with her was the agents Bayless, Kimiko, Mirembe, Al-Farouk, Liao. Singh was already on Eagle Base, fending off the Shimada invaders. The nocturnal Shimada were forced to fight in the open, yet they haven't much affinity for arms-they would rather deal their provokers in close quarters.

FCMD (a technological and electronic term for Nest's common moniker since she was the physical embodiment of Athena) chatted with the agents throughout the trip, the noisy rotating battered numerous irritating buffets to the ear. Neither of them wore thick soundproofers, thick headphones that block the wind from buffeting the ears. In resolve, they gathered closely, forming a tepee and talked about FCMD's time in the one-time soldier enhancement program.

6 minutes later

They were near the port as the view over the window cleared with live activity. One of the pilots gestured over the front commander and briefly interrupted their seldom session. Nest then approached the steerer of the copter, the floor vibrating felt in her boots.

"What is it?" Her raised her voice to rival the buffeting air.

"The Strike Commander has a message for you." Then he handed over Nest a wide tablet that flashed and she leaned onto the pilot seat's back cushion to get comfy. A screen displayed right away. Nest plugged in earphones in high volume to bear Jack's message.

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