Chapter 10 - Such Never-Returning Throwbacks 🎑

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September 29, 2062
Watchpoint: Grand Mesa 9:27 AM


Kriing, kriiinngg, kriinngg. The alarm sounded. I'm too tired to wake up. I feel like my body was attracted to my bed as if it was gravity pulling me down with great force. I reached out the alarm and slapped the button. Too late I was aroused in bed, and I had to get up to return to Bloomington. I just remembered the old young times when we, Nancy, our dog, and sometimes the Brunswick family go out for some picnics, catching fish by the river or playing there. I suddenly remembered the start of autumn, and one memory showed up in my head. It was the same day as today.


September 25, 2058
Bloomington, Indiana 7:34 AM

"Daisy, don't run too fast." Said Jack as he saw the dog running and doing doggy matters. "Y/N, put Daisy's collar on. Don't let him get too far.

We strolled at the side of a road from our house. It was autumn and many leaves, all of which different shades of orange fell one by one from every tall tree. I was busy scribbling in my phone, finding the camera to picture memories. I also have to find a perfect leaf-although maple trees are not common here-for my yearly collection. But I have to put Daisy's collar on.

This year was totally perfect for my sassy mood-yet not quite a perfect ratio of a perfect day to be specific- and speaking of that my phone just rang in my left side pocket in my half zipped autumn-themed parka (loves the fact being differential, total nerd...)

A message I received from my none other than biggest admirer Jared Kennison. So a little backstory.

Back when we're sophomores Jared was notorious in being the campus clown who does really know bout that douchebag thingy. When he makes a dumb turn almost everyday (by his oh-god-forgive me rituals) he is frequently rewarded with detentions and therefore a bad standing in class. Henceforth, he gets stashed out to Monaco, surely his parents does have that *money jangle* superstition whatsoever. Kennisons are of a bigtime family... and a nutty and a spoiled brat one.

Yet there's this big Efron-esque change in him that made the whole campus woed. After the 4th of July in 2060, while we're in senior high, he came back, and he's changed and very different before. He's way more tall than me but not more tall than Jack and he's got some guts (frequent lavishing in a world-class gym huh?) Everyone, junior or senior seemed to admire him in his big twist of what caused by the hand of fate. Gone was the jester of mischief and nonsense and here comes the jock of heaven, as what the blabbermouths of Aspenion High monikered. Almost every newspaper article published in the register Jared's highlights of his weightlifting career had made the whole gals of Aspenion brought down in their underwear. But such exception is me. I have no firsthand knowledge about infatuation nor early exposure to such hookups or the like ever. Jack said I'm not fit for it. He was true but not to the extent making me a selfish person when it comes to love. It's just that I don't know how to execute such lovely manners or any some sort of it.

Well anyway, Jared has really a lot of admirers, too many to count. But he had an interest which kind of wreaked 'havoc' in the whole university, specifically the gals. He had interest in me. Jared Kennison interested in (Y/N).

Unlike any girl in the world, my mind had never been preoccupied by love or being distracted by it or even inhibiting a bushy brain but I clearly ignored it. Although I do accept his gifts which made the girls threaten me in every aspect of my life. Even Morrison doesn't care with my nightmarish teenage life.

Jared was a self-proclaimed knight in shining armor of mine, taking care of that. What's nice of him is that he doesn't flirt or really hangout with me and doesn't break the chastise rules of flirtation (admiration I mean) which temptation pulls him over to. He really knows me well and respects me deeply. I didn't reject his gifts or any Valentine offering not because I have had that much 'reverence' but because of respect. That's why he's still in my list of real friends.

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