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Tobin's eyes start getting on fire, as she sees the group approaching them, and her jaw is set. Allie, who is standing by her side, immediately knows why.

Here is Alex Morgan, holding Laure Boulleau's hand (Tobin eternal crush ever since she joined this university), a dark smile on her lips. Ashlyn Harris is walking next to them, with some other girls either one of the two co-captains have ever seen in their lives. Even thought they haven't met since last semester during a game, Tobin remembers it as if it was yesterday, and her heart shatters because of the idea of Laure dating Alex, or Alex hurting the volleyball captain. But she sets her jaw and remains silent.

Kelsey, who is also here with Kealia, puts her arm around Tobin's shoulders in a protective yet aggressive way : she is ready to hold her back, even though all she wants is her friend destroying the annoying forward.

That makes Alex smirk.

"Hello there, losers" she greets the Bruins.

Of course Allie is not going to remain silent.

"What the Hell are you doing here ?" she asks in a not so friendly tone, holding her words back because some people are watching. She then shakes her head. "This is a students party, and as far as I know, you and that bitch next to you are no students anymore, since you got kicked out of Stanford, am I right ?"

The 'bitch' Allie is referring to is Ash, obviously. Laure, who is standing in between the former Stanford players, doesn't seem comfortable. She is avoiding Tobin's gaze, probably because she knows she'll fall for her again if she looks at her, Allie thinks to herself, angry. She's not angry at Laure, because the brunette just got fooled by Alex and her gang. She's so angry at the two players for showing up :

It definitely hides something.

"Actually" Alex says, putting a calming hand on Ash's arm. The two girls then exchange a brief look, before Ashlyn takes one step back. The smirk on Alex's face announces how confident she is. "Let me introduce you my new teammates from USC."

That makes Kelsey bursts into laughter.

"You are in USC now ?" she asks, laughing her ass off because of how stupid that might sound. But she isn't done yet, so she adds : "Good for you. Then why are you here then ? USC is in South Carolina, not in California. Or are you that dumb that you can't even distinguish the two states ?"

Some people laugh around them, but Alex keeps her composure and answers :

"I came to visit my girlfriend..." she starts, making sure to look at Tobin in the eyes while wrapping her arm around Laure's shoulders, and then continues "... and thought it'd be a great team bonding to go to a party together."

The girls around Alex all nod, and that makes Tobin smirk.

"If only they knew how crazy of a girl you are" she lets out, provocative.

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