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Olivia sits down on Kelsey's bed, making sure nobody is looking. While looking at the goalie, she takes out the needles she is supposed to use : the procedure is simple ; inject air in her veins and she'll die for sure. 

But when she has to do it, something holds her back. 

Her heart suddenly is taken over by a very, beyond strong feeling, and it cuts her breath short. It never happened to her before, so she doesn't really know how to deal with it. Her hands start shaking, as she lets a loud 'shit' our or her mouth. The needle falls from her hand, as she shakes her head. 

Her fingers find their way to Kelsey's calm face, running though her air and caressing the keeper's skin. 

She knows too much. If she wakes up, she will tell the police about Simon, and then there will be an interrogation, and security around the players. Those words coming from the voice on the phone are running around Olivia's mind, and have been for a while. As her cardiac rhythm increases, she hardly swallows her saliva. 

Her finger stops on Kelsey's lips. 

"I'm so, so sorry" she whispers.

She takes the needle in hand. 

But here once again, she just can't do it and throw it on the other side of the room, letting a loud scream out of her sore throat. Why can't I do it ? she wonders, so pissed. She knows what's at sake, she knows she has to do it. 

But she can't kill Kelsey Wys. 

With one single tear falling from her eyes, running down her cheek, Olivia slowly leans in, running her fingers through Kelsey's hair, avoiding the wires she has in her mouth and nose to just kiss the corner of Kelsey's mouth. Her lips only touch a very small part, but Olivia's emotions are taken over by feelings. Strong, very strong feelings. She then starts moving her lips tenderly, and that's it. 

When she feels Kelsey's lips moving a bit, she immediately leans back and watches the girl : she it not moving a bit. 

"Kelsey ?" 

But the Swede realise she is not waking up. She frowns, putting her finger on her own lips, right where she felt she was kissed back. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me. That's pretty pathetic, she thinks to herself, shaking her head. 

After taking an ultimate look at the goalie she was supposed to kill, the Swede gathers the needles, promising herself to make them disappear. She then walks out of the building, careful not to wake either Tobin or Allie up - who are sleeping on the couches outside of the room, her phone in hands. 

The voice picks up after two ringings.  :

"Yes ?"

"It's done. I injected the air." Olivia lies. 

"Good. I'll get back to you soon. Stand down still."

"Got it."

She then throws the phone in a trash bin after destroying it, already getting her real phone out of her pocket. 

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