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7:34 pm

Kelsey drops her pen, rolling her eyes.

"Fucking shit" she mutters under her breath. 

Problem : she's in a library, and people can hear her. Realising that a little too late, she lifts her eyes and sees people looking at her like 'get out of here please and let the people work'. She sighs, before closing her laptop and getting out of the library. As she is walking through campus, she looks around her, nostalgic. 

Soccer season is starting in a month now, and she misses playing too much. It's her last year here, and she knows she gotta make it count. But the team comes first, as always, and this year they have to bring that damn trophy back. 

As the goalie is sighing once again, she doesn't hear the footsteps behind her. It's only when someone brutally bumps into her, and that all of their stuffs fall on the ground that Kelsey turns around and is stuck by lightning. 

A very cute blonde is standing in front of her, very confused about what just happened. But as soon as her bright blue eyes meet Kelsey's, the keeper feels her heart slowly slip away from her chest. The girl is very simple : casual black dress and New Balance shoes, with a chocker and the cutest confusion face ever. As Kelsey is holding her breath, the girl nervously laughs, and it makes Kelsey struggle even more. 

But before looking too awkward, Kelsey lets a brief "Humm..." before kneeling in order to gather the girl's things. As she does so, the girl looks at her, frozen. When the goalie hands her her things, she slightly opens her mouth, just like if she wanted to say something, but nothing comes out of it. 

Kelsey shakes her head, blushing. 

"Uhhmm, sorry about that..." she lets out quickly, just like if she wanted this discussion to be over so that she could run away and not sound or look awkward. 

The girl slightly shakes her head, before saying in a very strong Nordic accent (Kelsey's guess is Europe) : 

"I-it was all m-my fault, d-don't worry" 

That stammering makes Kelsey melt. As the blonde is staring at her without really moving, obviously too shy to continue the conversation, the goalie gathers her courage and casually lets out : 

"You have an accent..."

She would've wanted to slap herself in the face, before burying herself on the ground. Why the fuck did I just say that ? She'll think I'm an idiot ! Thanks, Mrs Obvious !! She probably didn't even know she had an accent... Thankfully you're here to make her realise that, what would the world do without you Kels-... the goalie thinks to herself, panicked. 

But the blonde in front of her only giggles, and says : 

"I'm from Sweden" 

That makes Kelsey smile (and curious) :

"Oh, wow, there isn't a lot of Swedes around here !" she exclaims, before slapping herself a second time for that stupid sentence. She then tries to sound cool, calm and collected when she asks : "Why are you here then ?"

The blonde smiles.

"I study at Stanford" she lets out, before suddenly realising something. "Oh, shit, I have to go and catch the bus ! It was nice meeting you, uhm...?"

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