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Jessie grabs Mal's arm, dragging her on her own room, locking the door behind them. As the girl is about to protest, she realises they're not alone here : Andi, Jane, Rose, Kailen and Gibby are here too, waiting for them. 

So that's it : the secret meeting for the sophomores

1) The situation is too complicated already to tell the others about the messages and risk that the person behind them come after them. 

2) That person killed Jaelene Hinkle and is obviously ready to kill more. 

3) The mass shooting probably has something to do with that. 

Once the girls have come to an agreement with those three points, Jessie only sits down next to Kailen, sighing. 

"We're so screwed." she lets out. 

Mal shakes her head. 

"Maybe Jae's death had nothing to do with us ?" she suggests, trying to convince herself. 

But it doesn't go unnoticed. 

"It's a warning" Kailen says, looking at her hands the whole time. When she realises they are waiting for her to continue, she just sighs. "I mean, isn't that obvious ? They are trying to make us fear them..."

"... Well it's working hella good" Rose comments. 

"... in order to take control. If you have people's mental in your hands, you can basically do everything. Think about it : what options do we have ? On the one hand, we can just obey them and hope for the best. On the other hand, we can try and resist them, but there will be consequences. So what do we do ?"

Silence is heavy on the girls' hearts. 

"... What do we do ?" Andi repeats, and all the girls look at her. 

Her mind is running 100% at the moment, and it is a good sign. Of course they are trapped - there is no denying it - but a solutions is the only thing they can hope for. Something in between rebellion and conformity. 

Something like a quiet rebellion. 

"We need to keep quiet for some time, in order to understand what game they're playing" Andi settles, her eyes closed. "Once we figure it out, we can make them fall because of their own game and then make them get arrested."

"On our own ?" Jane asks, smirking. "Of course, we're the Fantastic 5 now" she sarcastically adds, rolling her eyes. 

Technically, there're 7 of us, Mal thinks to herself, but she doesn't say anything. She knows the goalie has a point. 

"For now, we have to stick together and play it cool" Gibby then says from the corner of the room. 

All the girls nod.

As Mal is getting out of the room, she feels like someone follows her. When she turns around and sees Jessie, she rolls her eyes. 

"What now ?" she sassily asks, fed up with people. 

The Canadian smirks.

"Easy, Baby America" Jessie sarcastically lets out, rolling her eyes as well. That makes Mal angry, but before the girl can say anything, the Canadian adds : "You better calm the fuck down because we're in this together now, whether you want it or not."

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