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The seniors from UCLA - plus Shelina, Kop and Carli - are gathered in the conference room, locked inside. 

Earlier today, Jane went to talk to Kelsey about their situation, and Kop heard about it : when she showed them the note, the two goalies decided that team work would make the dream work, so they filled everybody in. Now that Allie is re-reading the note for the hundredth time, and that both Tobin and Kelsey are looking at a computer screen because the goalie is hacking some classified information to figure out who this writing belongs to, Jane has been told not to say anything to the other players. 

Also, the Engen sisters situation has been reviewed : Kelsey insisted that Julie could absolutely not know about Olivia being her sister, because as much as the Swede wants to collaborate, she needs her secret to be kept safe because announcing Julie that she has another sister - this time alive - is a big deal and can't be done by other people than her. So after each of the girls here swore not to say anything, Kristie brought up the fact that calling Alex Morgan would be a great idea at the moment. 

So Allie does it, and nothing comes out of it : however, Alex seems convinced that Jerramy Stevens is the one behind the notes and maybe Hinkle's murder, and is willing to try and find that out by sending Servando running a 'friendly' investigation. 

Kealia, who has been silent since the beginning, suddenly says : 

"We need to investigate on what happened that night with Hinkle, and how Kristie is involved. That's the only way we can prove anything." 

"True" Shelina lets out, raising her eyebrows. "But the cops are still occupying the dorms - that's like the reason why we're still living in UCLA - and they're all over the place."

"Not at night."

Everybody turn on Tobin when she says that. Allie frowns, knowing what the brunette has in mind, and says : 

"Hell no, Jame Bond, you're not going to break out in a murder scene and take the risk to get caught" 

Tobin rolls her eyes. 

"Has anyone else a better idea ?"

This makes Kealia think :

"I'm coming with you. And Kelsey will cover us."

The goalie gives her a thumb up and Allie, beaten, doesn't even want to argue with that, since everybody but her and Carli seem to agree with the idea. After a few seconds, they agree on going the next day, after their home game against Duke, as Stanford are set to face Clemson on that very same field hours later. 

The don't have much time left before those people strike again.


Meanwhile, absolutely unaware of everything that's going on, Ada, Julie, Emily and Lindsey are sitting on a dorm's balcony, taking the D Vitamin they can from the sun. Either of the four girls has been thinking about something else but their game tomorrow, and right after training and classes, they agreed on recovering together. 

They are soon joined by Moe and Leah, since the other girls - such as Abby, Steph, Sam or Steph - are somewhere else. The British girl lies down on a chair next to Ada, as the Norwegian and her start talking about what it feels to be playing college soccer in the USA instead of Europe. Emily and Moe, who are quite interested in the subject, are listening closely, which allows Julie to stare at Lindsey. 

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