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The morning after, things got real for some of the girls. 

As most of their teammates have been partying to celebrate their win, Kelsey has been feeling quite nauseous. Thinking that it might have something to do with her head and what happened to her when she lost her ability to speak, Kealia immediately offered to drive her. So when the goalie was exterminated, Kealia called Olivia. 

The Swede, obviously around people and music, seemed quite sober.

"Hey, how are you ?" Olivia asks, glad to have news from Kealia. She then says : "Congrats on your win, guys !"

"Thanks !" Kealia answers, embarrassed. "Look, Liv, I call because something happened to Kelsey."

The other side of the phone is immediately more serious. Olivia is obviously moving, because the music is getting more and more far away from the phone. Kealia smiles : she did great in calling. 

Olivia, on the other hand, is probably not smiling, as she asks : 

"What hospital ?" 

"Same than the other time. You know, it might just be minor, but we can't afford any risk before the finale..." the forward explains. 

But it's just like the Swede doesn't care. 

"I'll be here in ten." 

She hangs off the phone. 

Who knew Swedish people were that punctual ? Kealia wonders when she sees Olivia coming into the building, dark circles under her eyes. Meanwhile, the doctors said that nothing much happened, and that with a few medics the goalie would be able to play in four days. As soon as the Swede sees Kealia, the forward explains the situation to her. 

She then smiles. 

"I will drive her home" Olivia says, confident. "You should go and enjoy the party."

"Oh, you know, I didn't..."

Olivia gives her an insisting look. 

"I'll take care of her."

"Okay, fine. I'll see you around, okay ?"

"Sure !"

Once the forward exits the hospital, Olivia immediately goes in the room where Kelsey is sitting on an hospital bed. 

The goalie turns around and smirks. 

"I know we said no hospitals anymore, but I couldn't help but pay a visit to this place before going out of here" 

Kelsey's joke is not really making Olivia laugh. 

The thing with those two is that since Olivia kissed her after Servando killed himself things have been pretty awkward : they never really spend time together, and even if they do, there is always this deadline in their minds ; Kelsey will (hopefully) get drafted, and Olivia might go back to Sweden. This is a lot of distance for a young couple, they both know that. Even though life is tough, they accept it because they know how it goes. 

The blonde crosses her arms against her chest. 

"If you could just avoid scaring me that much, I'd be grateful." she lets out, obviously joking. 

Kelsey smirks. 

"That's the only way I seem to be able to have you for myself tho" she says, seductively getting closer to the girl. 

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