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I spotted you at the game and really found you beautiful. I'd like to take you on a date. If you want to, let's meet tonight in Barney's, the fancy restaurant right next to the lake. Make yourself pretty.

Christen frowns. 

After hesitating for hours on whether she should go or not, and discover that Mel was leaving her to go to that party the two teams prepared in honor of their wins, she decided to go. First : to make the blonde jealous, because she is done with declaring how much she needs her and shit and not getting anything in return ; and second, because she is curious. 

There is a fancy car waiting for her outside of the dorm, and the driver doesn't say a word, only giving her a black rose. Christen's heart starts beating in her chest : she immediately knows who let that little note. 

Once she gets to a restaurant by the lake - her favorite - her heart literally stops. Some guy hands her a pale pink rose and leads her to a table that is alone, right under literal roses wall in front of her, as well as a beautiful view. 

But the view is even prettier when Mel appears in Christen's sight.

She has put a beyond-beautiful and full-of-grace dress, all black dress on, and the face she makes when she spots Christen sitting at that table under a pretty full-of-stars sky, in a beautiful cashmere dress. The blonde's jaw drops, as Christen jawline seems sharper than it ever been. Seeing her this radiant after the last few horrible days for her just make her heart happy. She slowly walks toward her.

Christen's heart doesn't seem to be working anymore.

"W-woah, Chris, you look..." Mel starts, before shaking her head. Christen know how much Mel hates to lose control, and she is glad that it happens only with her. So the blonde adds : "I mean, I don't even have the word that can describe you."

There is a small silence, during which Christen looks down at her lips, before biting her own.

Then, courage comes out of nowhere.

"I honestly want to kiss you right now."

The Latina immediately blushes after saying that. Mel, in the other hand, looks like a tomato.

"Uhm, y-you do ?" she starts, tempted. But she figures now is not the good time, so she pulls it back together and says : "I-I mean, we should probably sit instead."

Christen nods.

"Sure" she smiles. The girls both settle down, and the Latina asked : "So, why did you bring me here ?"

The blonde looks confused by the question. 

"Because you deserve to be treated right after everything you've been through recently." Mel then says. 

This time, Christen is frowning. 

"I've been through nothing compared to Kristie, Abby and Kelsey, or even Jae..."

"All right, let me stop you right here" Mel interrupts her, grabbing her hand in the process. "Being drugged is not a light problem, Chris. Don't you dare comparing your state with a dead girl."

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