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Megan wakes up, her head hurting like hell. 

First thing she notices is that she is obviously in what looks like an old prison cell. But not some regular prison cell ; they're underground. She can tell by the fact that the ceiling is rocky. She takes some deep breaths, before getting up from the shitty bed they've put her in. She hears footsteps above of them, but nothing near her. 

She grabs the bars and starts to try and break them, but as expected, nothing more happens than Megan's hands hurting. She shakes her head, before sitting down on the ground. Only, from this position she can see something she hasn't seen before :

A brunette is on another cell, right in front of Megan's, and she immediately recognizes the tattoos on the forearm : it's Kailen. 

"Kailen ? Wake up, Kailen !" she yells, trying her best to wake the girl up.

They probably hit her in the head as well, she thinks to herself, shaking her head. Megan is so worried that she doesn't hear the voice coming out of nowhere like a voice outside of her head. 

"Hey, are you okay ?"

Megan realizes that it indeed isn't in her head and turns her head to the right. On the cell just next to hers is sitting a blonde girl, that Megan immediately recognizes : it's Olivia Schough, one of the Stanford girls.

The defender immediately gets closer to the bars, grabbing Olivia's hand as soon as she can. 

"Yeah, y-yeah, you ?" Megan stammers, having a hard time to breathe. 

The Swede nods. 

"Look, I don't have that much time, because he will come back soon and probably take me... So listen to me very carefully, okay ?"

"W-wait, who ?"

"Megan" Olivia cuts her, the stress growing in her stomach. "Pay attention. Are you paying attention ?"

The defender shakes her head to try and think straight, before saying with a nod : 

"Y-yes" Megan stammers, before hiding the card in her pocket. "B-but what will happen to you then ?"

The Swede shakes her head and takes an envelope out of her pocket. 

"You know Julie Johnston, right ?" she asks instead of answering the question, and the younger girl nods. "Good. Then please give her that. Tell her there's a tape that explains everything, and that I will always love her. Okay ?"

"B-but O-Olivia, you won't d-die..." Megan starts, shaking. 

Olivia puts the envelope in her hands, and says : 

"I count on you, okay ?"


The door opens, and a boy comes in. 

His face. Megan knows she's already seen him. He was on the stands at some of their games last year, and then this year but not all the time... She tries to remember exactly why he is so familiar, but while she does so, he immediately walks toward Olivia's cell and opens it. 

He has a gun in hand. 

Megan hides the envelope behind her back, under her t-shirt, her eyes stuck on the boy. He points the gun at the Swede, that raises her hands in the air. 

"Game over, Schough. Or should I say, Engen."

Olivia remains calm. 

"What do you want from me, uhn ? I'm ready to die, by the way, so your whole 'I'm a badass with a gun' thing is not working..."

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