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"Make some room, we'll put her on the couch." Allie orders, clearing the place from her teammates. 

Kelsey and Tobin, who are struggling to put Kristie to the couch because the blonde is too high to realise what reality actually is, both turn around, as the goalie tries to make her sit down. The middy seems to be in a bad trip, as her eyes are telling fear and panic. Once they actually make her sit down, Steph and Abby immediately surround her, as Megan remains standing, looking at her friend with worried eyes. 

Julie shakes her head. 

"Something definitely happened" she lets out, thoughtful. "Kristie would never have been in such a bad state unless she was forces to." 

"I agree" Allie says. 

There is a small silence, until Steph says :

"I know what it is" Everybody turn to face her, so she adds, pointing at her best friend's eyes : "Look at her eyes : they're dilated. Somebody drugged her, and she probably won't remember anything because it erases memory while you're under the influence."

Abby frowns. 

"Wait, how do you know that ?"

The look she gives her girlfriend means she is in deep trouble. The brunette only nods, but Kelsey comes to the rescue : 

"It doesn't matter right now. What matters is that the person who did that to Kratch had a purpose." 

Abby nods, beaten, as Steph puts a comforting hand on the girl's neck. 

"You say she won't remember anything ?" Allie asks, making sure to get this one right. 

Steph shakes her head, and Megan grows worried : 

"What if they made her do something knowing that she wouldn't show any resistance or something ?" she asks, panicking. "Just imagine she did something bad : her fingerprints would be everywhere, and she couldn't even say anything because the effets of drugs only can be observed with technology for 24 hours."

Everybody look at the defender, shocked that such an innocent creature would know so many things about drugs. But then, everybody just focuses on Kristie again, who is groaning, closing her eyes and swearing. 

Allie shakes her head.

"We have to drive her to the hospital then" she orders, looking at Kelsey and Kealia, who are overly doubtful. "We can't take any risks, especially since Alex Morgan and Ash are back in town and hungry for revenge."

"She's right" Tobin lets out. 

Kristie lets out a loud scream, before making big movements, looking everywhere around her just like if something just happened. Steph puts her arms around her best friend, as Abby is whispering comforting things to her. 

That makes Tobin enrage. 

"Whoever did that will pay, I can guarantee that."

"Okay, fine, Robin Hood." Kelsey sarcastically lets out, before turning on one of her best friends to look at her in the eyes. "You'll be able to think about revenge for the rest of the night, but for now we need to find someone that isn't drunk in order to go to the hospital."

As the girls are looking around them, they figure out everybody here has drunk alcohol, enough to not be able to drive. Suddenly, something pops up in Megan's head, something that isn't cheering her up. 

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