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"Coffee ?"

Steph looks up at Julie, who has a calm face on. She then nods. 

"Yah, thanks."

The defender doesn't wait any longer to sit down, her face closed to any emotions : she knows she has to stay strong for her teammate. She is also aware of the fact that everybody told her not to come here, that the Mewis had it handled. But she can't just pretend not to care about the brunette and what is happening overall. So she has been waiting that the two girls would drive to a local store in order to feed Steph, before just coming here. 

And she now realizes that either of them were lying when they said Steph looked like a zombie : the surgery has been lasting for now 9 hours, and Julie can not even imagine what's going on in Steph's mind at that very moment : when the doctors saw her come in their OR, all they said is that they were waiting for a miracle. 

Nine hours later, there they still are, and here is still Steph, her eyes as red as Julie's tee. The blonde sighs. 

"You know, I don't know much about Abby, but she is a fighter." she starts saying, and she immediately feels Steph tensing up. She knows it is hurting her, but she needs to say this in order to make the brunette realize things. So she continues : "And that she also loves you more than her own life. If she makes it out alive, trust me, I will grab a cup of coffee with her and talk about your love for an entire afternoon. Or maybe night." she says, a soft smile on her face. She then looks at Steph : "Do you remember the first time she got into training ?"

Steph nods. 

"Yah" is all she says, before a silent tear rolls down her cheeks. She then swallows her saliva and wipes the tear away, before continuing : "When I saw her run into the field, freaking late, my heart stopped beating. I never thought it'd have happened to me, but it did."

Julie smirks. 

"Funny how love works, right ?"

The brunette remains silent for a while. 

"Then" she continues, fighting the tears. "She ran at me and asked me what she missed. I wasn't even able to say anything, because I lost myself in her eyes. Man, she is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen." 

"Do you remember your first kiss ?" Julie asks, curious. 

"Oh yeah..." Steph lets out, thoughtful.


The two girls are walking down the lightened street. The first ever college party they've attended is now over, and even though they spend their night partying, either of them is tired. The memories are coming back, especially during that general fight, that Steph kind of took part by pushing a muscular dude off Abby, because he was being too insistent. Then, she took a punch in her face, making an area near her eyebrow bleed. 

Abby looks at her, and then at the fountain right in front of them. Without saying anything, she grabs a hanky, puts some water in it, and turns to face Steph. The forward sits down on the ground, and Abby joins her.

It's 5 am, and the far noises of drunk people going home can't disturb them. There is nobody on that place, only the two of them. When Abby starts wiping the blood away from Steph's face, the brunette's heart stops beating : she hides what she is feeling, avoiding Abby's gaze.

The defender looks worried. 

"You didn't have to do this, Stephy" she whispers. Since this single sentence just makes her look like she cares, she quickly adds : "You look like a loser"

"He was too insisting with you" is all the forward says. 

Abby smirks. 

"So, you're the kind of girl to confront a guy that's two heads taller than you, and three bodies more muscular than you, generating an huge fight, just for a girl you've known for only one month ?" 

"Less than one month, actually" Steph points out. 

Her sarcasm makes Abby roll her eyes. 


That makes Steph smirk. 

"A simple 'thank you' would've been pretty cool tho" the brunette lets out. 

"Oh, I never say thank you. But I can do this."

Without saying anything, Abby gets closer to the girl, and grabs the back of her neck, pulling her closer. 

As soon as their lips met, it feels to them that they always belonged together, moving in synchronization, and that the unexpected feelings coming out of their stomachs has never felt so normal. Steph almost immediately puts her hand on Abby's waist, as the blonde sits down in between her legs, in order to be able to glue their bodies together. 

They've stayed in that position for about one hour that night, ignoring the cars and the people around them, only enjoying the sensation of a growing love that is about to change their lives forever.

Present time 

Julie sighs. 

"Do you believe in soulmates, JJ ?" Steph asks, thoughtful. 

The blonde's thoughts start slipping on Maro, but her answer is :


"Because I do. She is the best part of me."

The amount of emotions in Steph's voice becomes unbearable. 

So when the doctors, exhausted, enter the room, the two girls jump on their feet, both of their hearts beating like hell. 

"Are you family ?" the doctor asks in a dark voice. 

"She's her girlfriend" Julie answers instead of Steph, who looks like she's about to collapse.

"Well, we have an update on Mrs Dahlkemper..."

Even the words become blurry. 


Meanwhile, at UCLA

"This can't be."

"Shit" Tobin lets out.

The video footage of the hospital clearly shows Olivia Schough almost killing Kelsey Wys. And then, talk on the phone. Before Lydia or Mel can say anything, Tobin is already gone running, because she knows the Swede is in the hospital with her best friend right now.

Christen has her mouth half-opened.

"I don't understand..."

The voice of Lydia make everybody stop talking. 

"She's the third Engen sister."

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