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"And after that, everything goes black ?" 


"You don't remember the face of the boy that did that to you ?"

"No. But his name was something like... Salomon ? Simon ? I don't remember, I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay. You've received a very rare type of drug, usually used on human traffic, that is used to control the victims, before making them do practically everything. This kind of drug is pretty hard to get. Meanwhile, we will investigate on both Stanford and UCLA campuses to find out who that boy would be..."

"... what if he isn't even from here ?"

"We don't know for now. Mrs Mewis, I will need you to wait a little bit more here, until your full medical record arrive."

"Is my sister here ?"

"Yes, but you can't see her for the moment." 


"Just remain calm, and maybe you will be able to go back to campus tonight." 

"What if that person goes after me again ?" 


"Without meaning to be disrespectful, but we have a dead student on a full-packed campus at the moment. We cannot do everything in the same time."

So what job of protection are you here to do ?

"I understand."

"Thank you, I will come back later to check on you. Meanwhile, get some rest."

Door closes. 


Kelsey energetically walks across the Stanford campus, determined to have a talk with Shelina about what happened : because the only thing the Bruins know is that Kristie was arrested because she was drugged. 

As she is talking on the phone with Tobin, who is obviously trying to calm her down, she bumps into someone and drops her phone, that breaks. As soon as she lifts her eyes on the person that did that, she is ready to get mad. But it stops her when she realises the girl, now kneeling to take Kelsey's phone in her hands, is Olivia Schough. 

When the Swede gets up and looks at the person she bumped into, her mouth slightly opens when she realises she has already met the girl. 

"So, you always bump into people like that ?" the goalie asks, irritable. 

The blonde blushes, before coughing. 

"Uhm, n-no..." she starts, out of breath. She obviously was running, and Kelsey immediately feels bad for being so cold. Nevertheless, the girl adds : "I'm so sorry for you phone... Maybe I could-"

"Nah, it's fine."

Olivia frowns. 

"Are you okay ?"

The goalie shakes her head, but before she say something else, she starts thinking : maybe the Swede knows something. 

"Actually, no." Kelsey starts, staring into the girl's eyes. She immediately loses herself on them, as those ocean eyes are staring at hers as well. Olivia doesn't look away, but her blushing intensifies. "My friend is in trouble because of some people that want revenge on us, and she doesn't deserve it."

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