The Interceptor

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Drew's POV:

When Barbossa walks back into the cave, he hauls Jack to his feet, staring at him in wonder. "How the blazes did you get off that island?"

Jack rocks back and forth on his heels before he replies. "When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."

"Ah," Barbossa sneers. "Well, I won't be making that mistake again. Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow?" He says, turning to the crew, "Kill him. And her too." He adds, waving a hand at me.

The crew starts inching towards us when Jack calls out. "The girl's blood didn't work, did it?"

Barbossa's hand shoots out. "Hold your fire!" The crew lowers their weapons, grumbling. "You know whose blood we need?"

Jack looks back at me, smiling. "I know whose blood ye need."

Will's POV:

"What sort of person trades a man's life for a ship?" Elizabeth grumbles as I enter the cabin.

I sit down next to her and take her hand in mine. "A pirate. Here, let me." I reach for the bandage she was trying to wrap around her palm and make quick work of tying it around her hand.

"Thank you." She says softly.

I keep her hand in mine and look her in the eyes. "You said you gave Barbossa my name as yours. Why?"

She shrugs. "I don't know." She winces and pulls her hand out of mine.

"I'm sorry," I mutter. "Blacksmith's hands - I know they're rough."

"No...I mean yes, they are but... but don't stop." She trails off.


She pulls out a medallion and hands it to me. "It's yours."

I hold it up, blinking. "I thought I'd lost it the day they rescued me. It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me. Why did you take it?"

"B-because I was afraid that you were a pirate." She stammers. "That would have been awful."

"It wasn't your blood they needed." I murmur. "It was my father's blood...the blood of a pirate."

Elizabeth rests a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "Will, I'm so sorry, please forgive me." 

I clench the medallion in my fist and bring it down against the table.

Drew's POV:

"So you expect to leave me standing on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need and watch you sail away on my ship?" Barbossa questions, pacing around the dining table, laid with food.

"No." Jack starts. "I expect to leave you standing on some beach with absolutely no name at all, watching me sail away on my ship and then I'll shout the name back to you. Savvy?"

Barbossa stops beside our chairs. "But that still leaves us with the problem of me standing on some beach with naught but a name and your word it's the one I need."

Jack leans back in his chair, putting his boots up on the table. "Of the two of us, I am the only one who hasn't committed mutiny, word is the one we'll be trusting. Although...I suppose I should be thanking you because, in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you." He grabs an apple, taking a bite out of it. "Funny ol' world, innit?"

Then Bo' sun, the quartermaster opens the galley door. "Captain, we're coming up on the Interceptor."

Barbossa quickly follows him, leaving Jack and I to scramble after him. Thank heavens it's day, time, otherwise, I don't know how I'd hide my cursed state.

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