One Hundred Souls

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Drew's POV:

"And what makes you think you're worthy to crew the Black Pearl?"

I look up from my spinning compass to the old man in front of our recruiting table. "Truth be told, sir, I've never sailed a day in me life. I figure I should get out and see the world while I'm still young." He answers.

Gibbs sends me a sideways glance. "Yes, you'll do."

I raise my eyebrows as the next one steps up, a skinny, scraggly man. "My wife ran off with my dog, and I'm drunk and I don't give a rat's ass if I live or die." He stutters out.

A false grin spreads across Gibbs' face. "Perfect. Next!"

"I've one arm and a bum leg." The next admits.

"The crow's next for you," Gibbs replies.

I purse my lips as an Irishman moves up to the table. "Ever since I was a lad, I've dreamed of sailing the seas forever."

"Sooner than you think. Sign the roster."

I give him a look as he holds out his hand to our signed list. "Was that supposed to be a joke?" I mutter.

He shifts his shoulders at me uneasily but breaks eye contact to glance a Jack on his other side. His eyes are closed, his compass in hand, and he's muttering under his breath. 

He snaps his compass shut, opens it, then gives it a disappointed look. 

I lean close to whisper to Gibbs, "How long has he been doing that?"

I receive a sideways look from him as he replies in a low voice. "Since he left you in Port Royal, lass."

Before I can say anything back, Jack speaks up. "How we going?"

"Including those four... Four." Gibbs says sarcastically. I laugh as another man walks up. "And what's your story," Gibbs asks him.

The man is in a ragged Navy uniform, sloppy, and obviously drunk, probably thrown off a ship a few weeks ago. My eyes travel up to his face, and my heart stops in my chest.

The man's eyes.

"My story." He starts, snagging a bottle of rum off our table. "It's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the seven seas." 

Jack shuts his compass and looks over. 

"The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, and my life." The man finishes and takes a long swig of rum.

Gibbs finally realizes who it is. "Commodore?"

"No, not anymore weren't you listening?!" He snaps.

"James..." I say, trying to catch his attention.

He braces his hands on the table, not hearing me. "I nearly had you all. I would have... If not for that hurricane."

"Lord, you didn't try to sail through it?" Gibbs asks.

"So do I make your crew or not?" He pauses, leaning close. "You haven't said where you're where you're going... Somewhere NICE?" He yells as he flips the table.

I roll backward and stand up in a swift movement. Gibbs, being less nimble, ends up on his back.

James holds his arms open to the staring crowd. "So am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow? Or should I just kill you now?" He sneers as he pulls out his pistol, pointing it at Jack hiding behind a palm frond.

Jack moves behind a pole and peers put, only to ducks behind it again when James follows him with the pistol.

"You're hired." Jack states.

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