Set Sail for the Dutchman

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Drew's POV:

I step under James' arm again and help him up Pride's gangplank while Elizabeth follows.

"Where do we start Drew?" She asks, flitting around me as I cope with James' weight.

I pause for a moment to look at her. "We aren't going to leave until morning. Right now I have other things to attend to." 

Leaving her behind, I help James into to my cabin and try to get him in a chair. When that doesn't work, I set him down on the floor and drop a bucket in his lap. "That'll keep him occupied for a moment," I mumble to myself as I turn to walk back on deck.

I flinch as soon as I open the door to see Elizabeth standing right outside, a stern look on her face.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips. "What do you want to know?"

"How do we get Will back."

I step into the sunlight and close my cabin door behind me. "There's a chest... of unknown size and origin, that supposedly holds the still-beating heart of Davy Jones." 

Ragetti happens to be walking past and pumps his hand like he's holding the heart, making beating noises. 

I roll my eyes but continue. "Whoever possesses that chest, possesses the leverage to command Jones to do whatever he or she wants. Including, saving Will from the Dutchman."

I can see her turning it over in her head. "How would we find it?" I hold up my compass. "It's in the Isla de Muerta." She says with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I chuckle. "Jack's compass and my own are unique. They don't point north, nor do they point to the Isla de Muerta. They point to what the holder wants most."

"So you can use the compass to find the chest and then we can use the chest to save Will?"

I shake my head. "No, you can use my compass to find the chest, and then use the chest to save will."

She looks at me confused. "Why can't you use it?"

I take a breath and grasp her hand in my own. "Regrettably, finding the cursed chest of Davy Jones is not what I want most." I hand her my compass and open it, quickly drawing my hands away. It points north, then south, then east, and stops. 

"Thomas! We have our heading! Cast off in the morning!"

He grins at me before turning to the crew. "Cast off those lines! Way anchor and crow that canvas! Make way in the morning!" He shouts.

As Pride's crew jumps to life, I lean over the rail to call to Anamaria.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Prep Loyalty, we're breaking port in the morning."

Her eyes glint back at me. "Aye Captain."

I turn around and find the two I'm looking for. "Pintel! Ragetti!"

The pair scurries up to face me. "Aye Cap'n!"

"Bring a tub of water into my quarters would you?" I ask.

When I walk back into my cabin, James is still on the floor, looking slightly better. Pintel and Ragetti come in and place the tub beside the chart table and walk out, giggling. Rolling my eyes, I lean down to scoop James up off the floor. 

"Come on James... up you go," I grunt as his dead weight falls on me. I manage to heave him over to the tub and set him down on the floor again. "I'll be back in a bit, Commodore," I say over my shoulder.

I walk back to the Pearl, past the crew and into Jack's cabin. When I reach the bedroom I start shuffling through his clothes. I find a shirt, vest, and some pants that will fit James, and I snag a spare pair of boots on my way out. Before I can step off the Pearl, Jack stops me, smirking.

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