Battle of the Maelstrom

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Beckett's POV:

My tea warms my mouth as I sip it, gazing over the glassy water in front of Endeavor. I smack my lips together, too bitter... I spoon some sugar into my cup and sir.

An officer walks up to quarterdeck and stands beside me. "Looks like we have a favorable wind, Sire."

I look up to Endeavor's sails which have begun to fill with wind. "Ah, so we do. Signal to Jones to give no quarter. That should brighten his day. And make sure that the men know to leave Miss Rose alone. She's mine."

Jones' POV:

Greed. Love. Loss. Betrayal. Anger. Rage. Bitterness. Hunger. Power. Fear.

It never ends. 

It. Will. Never. End.

I clench my teeth and stand with my shoulders hunched at the table in the galley. Calypso's locket is lying open on the beaten wood and its bittersweet melody fills the whole room. Every note pierces the air and with each beat, a new memory is brought back. For years, I was driven to make my name the most feared in all the seas.... to make sure the name Davy Jones would shadow the tongue of every sailor for all eternity.... just so that witch could be haunted by me with each passing day.

Now there's no going back. There never was. It's just going around in circles. I'm just so tired of it all. Calypso is the one who did this to me. This is all her fault. And she's working with Rose. Brianna Andrew Rose would've made a fine successor for me. That could've been a way out for me, but of course, before I could carve out her heart to replace mine, she escaped. It's not like I expected anything else.

The quartermaster opens the door "Captain. We're ready on deck."

I send him a glare and he backs out of the room. Calypso's damned locket plays it's final note and the air stands still. I snap the locket shut and walk out on deck.

Before I can give any orders to the crew, I feel a raindrop, then another. I turn my gaze to the sky as it begins to pour. It's Calypso. I know it, she's taunting me. 

Rage bubbles inside me and bursts forth, tearing at my throat as I scream to the sky. Cursing the heavens, swearing to hell, the circle never ends.

Drew's POV:

The Pearl's wheel is smooth against my hands as I hold her straight while the crew prepares the battle stations. 

Where the hell is Sparrow, I thought he'd be back by now. 

I may know this ship like the back of my hand, but the Pearl is rightfully his and his alone.

"On top of everything, now it's raining!" Pintel grumbles.

"That's a bad sign.." Ragetti

I keep my chin high and hold my forward gaze. "Never fear Ragetti. It's Calypso."

"Man that capstan... Keep that powder dry!" Gibbs' voice rings across the deck.

The men rumble among themselves, but a new roaring reaches the Pearl, forcing them to fall silent.

My eyes widen at the sight of the giant whirlpool that's forming between us and the Armada. I roll my eyes up to the sky. 

Damn you, Calypso. You may be helping but you're not making this easy.

"Captain Barbossa!" I shout across the deck.

He appears next to me within seconds. "Aye Captain Rose!"

"I need you at the helm."

He smirks slightly and nods. "Aye, that be true!"

I turn and run down to main deck as Barbossa's screams ripple from behind me. "Brace up the yards ya cockeyed deck apes! Dyin' is a day worth livin' for!"

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